i have the following problem: when i use multiple midi-in ports, the midiin object only receives messages from the first port. output works fine to the other ports though..
i found this line in s_linux_midi_io.c in function int midi_instat(MIDIPort *mp)
which i thought was the problem, since mproot is the first port and the function doesnt use the *mp argument supplied, so i changed it to
this still gives the same problem.. i looked at the point where this function is called in s_linux.c in fuction void sys_poll_midi(void) and i can't figure out why it doesnt work..
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Tom Schouten wrote:
i have the following problem: when i use multiple midi-in ports, the midiin object only receives messages from the first port. output works fine to the other ports though..
i found this line in s_linux_midi_io.c in function int midi_instat(MIDIPort *mp)
which i thought was the problem, since mproot is the first port and the function doesnt use the *mp argument supplied, so i changed it to
of course, the next line has to be corrected too, so
FD_SET(mproot->devhandle,&midi_rfds); return select(mproot->devhandle+1,&midi_rfds,NULL,NULL,&null_tv);
FD_SET(mp->devhandle,&midi_rfds); return select(mp->devhandle+1,&midi_rfds,NULL,NULL,&null_tv);
and then it works fine!