Hello, wonderful people!
While returning back to pdland I stumbled across some issues and I am about to share my pain with you :)
I compiled 0.37.4 from Miller's site.
by Zachris Trolin - thanks. LANG=C also works. But the problem is still present in 0.38-0test7. Guess it must be tcl/tk issue. My FC2 is using tcl-8.4.5-7 and tk-8.4.5-8.
output. Even if I am not touching anything. With oss I don't get this problems. I am using -rt scheduling. Jack is also doing fine. The same is with 0.38-0test7. I am using alsa 1.0.5(a) from PlanetCCRMA applied over FC2.
And then there are webcams that are driving me crazy, but that's quite different story. :)
Thanks and take care,
moin Miha, moin list,
On 29 October 2004 at 23:37:48, Miha Tomsic appears to have written:
I've had very similar problems with ALSA versions 0.9.8 and 1.0.2 in conjunction with pd & jack on my laptop -- disturbingly regular audible xruns every 70 seconds or so. Unfortunately, I never managed to determine what was causing them (I turned off every non-critical service I found running, disabled filesystem journaling, etc.), but if you (or anyone else on the list) finds or knows a solution, I'm interested in hearing it too ;-)
marmosets, Bryan