Hello list,
Sorry, i know this is a old thread but i run into a problem when trying to install opencv using the instructions given in http://www.hangar.org/wikis/lab/doku.php?id=start:puredata_opencv#mac_osx_ma... i wonder if smbody else have been around this same issue...
i currently running on a macbookpro running osX 10.5.8, pd-exended 0.42.5, gem 0.92.3.
/Library/Frameworks AND on /Users/username/Library/Frameworks (didn't know which one was correct, so did on both) 2. followed the instrucions, downloading the binary for osX 10.5 ( pix_opencv-0.2rc4_macosx-10.5.1_bins.tgzhttp://www.hangar.org/wikis/lab/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=start:pix_opencv-0.2rc4_macosx-10.5.1_bins.tgz ) 3. and the copying it all on the right folders, as it says: 4. - *.darwin on /Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources/extras - *.pd files on the /Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources/5.reference folder
Still, when I open Pd-extended, and open the first sample (pix_opencv_athershold-help.pd) i get the pix_opencv_athreshold object with traced lines, as if it couldn't find the object...
anybody has any ideas? maybe i'm loosing smth i haven't noticed ?
thanks for your attention and patience. hope to sort this thing out asap.. still trying here...
p.s. - have tried to compile too, but didn't finished the whole process.. gave me an error in the middle..
thanks again!
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 7:48 PM, Olm-e ol@ogeem.be wrote:
if you create an object [import pix_opencv] and then you try to recreate the [pix_opencv...] ones? n
Le 11/04/12 22:53, Fernando Krum a écrit :
Hello Nicolas,
when i create the "import pix_opencv" object, Pd-extended window gives me:
error: [import]: can't load library in 'pix_opencv'
don't know whats happening.. i've formatted this osx 10.5.8 around 2 or 3 months ago and apart from this, everything else seems to be working smooth..
i've just followed all instructions from hangar, but it wont work.. any ideas ?
thank you so much.
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Nicolas Montgermont < nicolas_montgermont@yahoo.fr> wrote: