Olaf I was just wondering if you could explain the process of whats happening in your patch, I get lost on the '0, 4.8e+007, 1e+006' which you have in a message box going to line? I presume these numbers have to do with the sampling rate and the bit size but if you have a free moment could you could maybe explain it to me? Thanks again!
--- Olaf Matthes olaf.matthes@gmx.de wrote: > Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 16:51:56 +0200
From: Olaf Matthes olaf.matthes@gmx.de To: Rory Walsh rorytheroar@yahoo.com Subject: Re: [PD] Readsf + writesf?
Hi Rory,
you can use tabread4~ to play files stored in arrays. Have a look at the patch attached. You just need a soundfile (called soundfile.aif, aiff-format, 48k, mono, 16bit) in a subdirectory (called 'sound') of this patch.
I used thies method quite a lot. It works well to play the complete file(s), 'scratching' would be more complicated. The only limit for filesize is available ram of your laptop.
Rory Walsh schrieb:
Can anyone tell me if there are windows versions
these objects, readsf and writesf? I'm hoping to
run a
small installation whereby midi sensors trigger
around a room, unfortunately the laptop I'll be running the installation from only has windows? Failing that i guess it'll have to be Csound!
regards ROry.
Nokia Game is on again. Go to http://uk.yahoo.com/nokiagame/ and join the
all media adventure before November 3rd. #N canvas 268 90 603 498 10;
#X graph graph1 0 -1 1.24272e+006 1 75 465 375 365; #X array array1 1.24272e+006 float 0; #X pop; #X obj 18 276 soundfiler; #X floatatom 18 296 0 0 0; #X obj 18 198 loadbang; #X msg 18 242 read -resize sound/soundfile.aif array1; #X obj 194 75 line~; #X obj 194 134 dac~; #X text 324 50 <- click to play file!; #X msg 194 50 0 , 4.8e+007 1e+006; #X text 342 68 (4.8e+007 is for 48kHz); #X obj 194 96 tabread4~ array1; #X connect 1 0 2 0; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 10 0; #X connect 8 0 5 0; #X connect 10 0 6 0; #X connect 10 0 6 1;
Nokia Game is on again. Go to http://uk.yahoo.com/nokiagame/ and join the new all media adventure before November 3rd.
Rory Walsh schrieb:
Can anyone tell me if there are windows versions
these objects, readsf and writesf?
Hi! There is part of zexy, an part of ggee(i think) or of PD itself sfwrite~ and sfplay~. Is this what you where looking for? Greets Serge