Hey all,
Is there a specific way to cite Pure-Data in an academic paper? R outputs a bibtex entry when you call cite(). Is there some standard for PD?
OT: How is software generally cited?
Thanks, .b.
Use the @MISC bibtex entry author: Puckette et al date: 1996
or you may prefer to cite this as a pointer
See for constructing MISC bibtex fields
On Thu, 24 Jan 2008 15:43:43 -0800 "B. Bogart" ben@ekran.org wrote:
I generally use what I think the reader would be most interested in.
If there is something in the icmc96.ps paper that is related, I would
include that, otherwise, I use a misc entry with the http://
puredata.info URL.
On Jan 24, 2008, at 7:26 PM, Andy Farnell wrote:
Looking at things from a more basic level, you can come up with a
more direct solution... It may sound small in theory, but it in
practice, it can change entire economies. - Amy Smith
Hallo, B. Bogart hat gesagt: // B. Bogart wrote:
Is there a specific way to cite Pure-Data in an academic paper? R outputs a bibtex entry when you call cite(). Is there some standard for PD?
Also check your spelling: In an academic paper Pd should be spelled as Miller spells it in his papers since 1996, which is "Pd" and "Pure Data", and only using "pd" when talking abouut the executable binary itself.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__