one whole side of pd I have overlooked is the use of data structures and templates within pd. now it seems like I should learn these basics though I have to admit I have some difficulties in understanding how a lot of that stuff is used.
say I want to keep a list of the last 6 midi notes that are pressed (and still pressed). when one is released, I want to remove this pitch number from the list, and shift the list along, filling in empties with zeroes. How I used to do this was with something like:
[l] <- list from zexy | [unpack f f] | | [== n] [== n] | | [moses 0] [moses 0] <- If larger than zero, put FIRST element into pack (2nd inlet) and zero into 1st | |if larger than zero, put SECOND element into pack (2nd inlet) | [pack 0 0] | send back to list up top
(I bet this is unclear, but is quite basic so hope you can follow me) Is there a better way than this??! I'm sure there must be. I mean, I've shown this for the case of a 2-element list, but probably want six or more, and will start to look unecessarily complicated when having to deal with each element match as a separate case....
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