using [pdp_mgrid] I am trying to get a geometric form on a GEM window to follow the movement the camera sees. This is fairly easy, cause [pdp_mgrid] outputs int numbers for x and y coordinates, which I can use to have gem draw a circle/square on the appropriate place. So far so good.
Now, I wish to have a movement be 'followed' by white squares, that quickly fade in and then slowly fade out. Using a grid of 7 by 7, this means I need to create 49 squares, that, when triggered, will fade in to white, and the fade to black, each in a separate place. I do not knwo a better way to do this. Although inconvenient, it's fine for this relatively low number of objects. My problem is with using the vector info from [pdp_mgrid] to choose from 49 options. Adding/multiplying, etc, x and y is problematic, cause it results in identical numbers for positions that should be unique.
Any ideas on how to use vector info (meaning, in this case, x and y info) to select unique objects? Or is there a more efficient way to achieve the desired effect? Maybe it is even a bad idea to combine pdp and gem? See attached patch for an impression of what this should become like. I have not yet completed building this, since I ran into these troubles.
Bye! Menno.
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