Hello all,
In order to make controlling my serial camera easier I'm using lists to represent the byte streams then "drip"ing them into comport.
Now I'd like to do the same for the serial data back from the camera so that I can route based on the elements of the stream.
So the delimiter is always 255 so how do I convert the stream:
12 24 35 67 255 12 45 255 67 45 33 255
12 24 35 67 255
12 45 255
67 45 33 255
Basically I'm looking at an [repack] that works based on a delimeter rather than by list length.
Thanks, .b.
hi ben
actually you can use [repack] as you described it. if you send it a bang, it outputs its content as a list. see attached patvh.
i used a [repack 1000] in the example, but this value depends on what you expect the resulting list-length maximum is. this is a bit a bad hack. i don't know if big values in [repack] only need more memory or also more cpu-time. i would check that if you stream a lot of data through it.