Hello list!
I have a general question.
If I hope to get a new card, where price is no object (up to $1000USD) what card should I buy. The hammerfall looks best, but it also looks mixed...
Oh, its for linux...
Also, if I was to get a laptop to run linux on next summer, should I get a AMD64FX because of the 2.6 kernal write-ins for that 64bit environment, or should I get a G5 bacause it is also 64 bit and apparently its coreaudio is so low latency...
Keep in mind that Im biased towards PC...
One last thing, My girlyfriend is getting a new audio device, for windows pd stuff. Any word on the m-audio firewire 410, or any non usb device? USB seems like a crappy audio device method. We need something more stable. We could theoretically go up to $600USD on this one...
Thanks for the help!