I had some trouble with number boxes, sliders, etc. again. This time on the Raspberry Pi.
With the exact same programming they work fine on a i386 Intel computer (Debian) but do not update graphically on the Rasperry Pi 4 with Raspbian.
Must be a TCL/TK issue thinking that all these objects are hidden . . .
After weeks of trying to find a solution I gave up and replaced several hundred of parameter editors with numbers or sliders in the background (working) and a canvases on top for sidplaying the actual values. Others got replaced with dropdown menus using pmenu.
This works quite well and looks a lot better.
The only thing that I'm missing is some graphes of curves that I need to display.
Unfortunately the arrays do not get updated graphically either on the RPi.
Does anyone know of a way or an external that can be used for displaying curves besides arrays?
Something ike this:
Thank you!
On Sat, 2022-01-15 at 16:22 +0100, Ingo wrote:
I had some trouble with number boxes, sliders, etc. again. This time on the Raspberry Pi.
With the exact same programming they work fine on a i386 Intel computer (Debian) but do not update graphically on the Rasperry Pi 4 with Raspbian. Must be a TCL/TK issue thinking that all these objects are hidden . . .
The first thing to help to get something fixed is reporting it. Create an example patch that exhibits the behavior and open an issue at https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/issues . Please be very specific about your environment (OS, Pd version, in your case also the hardware).
On Sat, 2022-01-15 at 16:22 +0100, Ingo wrote:
I had some trouble with number boxes, sliders, etc. again. This time on the Raspberry Pi.
With the exact same programming they work fine on a i386 Intel computer (Debian) but do not update graphically on the Rasperry Pi 4 with Raspbian. Must be a TCL/TK issue thinking that all these objects are hidden . . .
I just checked on my Raspberry Pi 4 running Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye. It comes with Pd 0.51-4. When logging into it with SSH forwarding (ssh -Y pi@heidelbeeri), I can run Pd and all GUI widgets are normally updated, also graphical arrays. Are you using SSH too, or have you your RPi hooked to a display?
I understand. So, are you saying the problem with not updating GUI widgets doesn't happen with smaller patches? It's specific to your large
Absolutely! It does not happen in small patches.
It seems like Pd takes a long time (sometimes over 5 seconds) for opening the window. TK/TCL seems to disable objects graphically to save resources if they are not visable. This is generally a good idea since - as we all know - lots of number boxes slow down everything. So you don't want to process number boxes that are not even visible.
If a patch takes too long to open - like my patch editor with about 5 seconds - TCL/TK probably thinks that the obects are invisible. Then it disables them graphically.
Once this happens all number boxes, etc. in the entire Pd do not update anymore. It needs restarting. I found some people saying that there is a bug in TCL/TK that causes this but the fixes that I found did not work. I was originally looking for a reset function that would check whether objects are visable or not atm but couldn't find anything.
So I ended up putting the number boxes behind canvases and I'm sending the values for displaying now to the canvases on top of it. This works fine but needs a bunch more objects and takes quite some time to make for each parameter with all the sends and receives. I had to redo over 300 parameters in my patch editor. I took me several weeks full time (still not done all the way with the sliders) . . . On the other hand it looks better and the graphics can be changed to my liking while the number boxes still look as ugly as always.
I'm definitely NOT expecting Pd to be the cause anymore as the issue comes only up with large patches that take several seconds to open. I also found reports on the internet that other people had this issue with TCL/TK with software other than Pd.
So looking for fixing the issue in Pd doesn't make any more sense to me.
One wy to reproduce this issue is by starting a patch invisible with vis 0 and making it visable later. That does it sometimes but not always. I just tried to see if I can make a small patch that would act like this for an easy reproduction. I tried on Windows, though. Even though the patch took about a minute to open it was working fine. Again, not sure what exactly causes it - whether it is the operating system or the patch . . .
As I mentioned in my original post it still works fine on my Intel boards on Debian but not on my Raspberry Pi on Raspbian. This makes things even more complicated.
It could be caused by the fact that the Raspberry needs much more time for the graphics than my faster Intel boards to open the patch. But it could also be caused by differences in the operating system.
I don't have any clue about how TCL/TK works so I don't want to get into this and waste a lot of time that I need for other things. Especially now that I can replace the graphics with better looking graphics to begin with.
It's just that displaying arrays doesn't work anymore. Making gifs of the curves is the only solution that came to my mind so far.
-----Original Message----- From: Roman Haefeli [mailto:reduzent@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2022 9:19 PM To: Ingo Subject: Re: [PD] Trouble with updating number boxes, sliders, arrays on
- looking for a replacement to display an array
On Sat, 2022-01-15 at 18:57 +0100, Ingo wrote:
I don't expect this to be a Pd issue and I have brought it up a bunch of times before. Noone had these problems!
You sure?
But I have a huge patch for editing more than 500 parameters - each with 10-50 objects - which is quite a graphical task within Pd. Noone is going to mess with this to find out where it comes from. Especially since I expect it to be a TCL/TK issue.
I understand. So, are you saying the problem with not updating GUI widgets doesn't happen with smaller patches? It's specific to your large patch?
I'm really tired of trying to mess with it any longer so I changed my graphics to work differently. I'm ok with it and it works as expected now .
I'm experiencing similar issues sometimes in large(-ish) netpd sets. When opening a new instrument, it takes quite a while until GUI updates become visible again. I haven't tracked down the source of this yet. And I'm also not sure whether what I just described is related to your problem. But reporting it would be good anyway, I think. It would help, if
could share a patch that shows the problem, but then I don't know if you
share your patch at all.
I understand. So, are you saying the problem with not updating GUI widgets doesn't happen with smaller patches? It's specific to your large
Absolutely! It does not happen in small patches.
It seems like Pd takes a long time (sometimes over 5 seconds) for opening the window. TK/TCL seems to disable objects graphically to save resources if they are not visable. This is generally a good idea since - as we all know - lots of number boxes slow down everything. So you don't want to process number boxes that are not even visible.
If a patch takes too long to open - like my patch editor with about 5 seconds - TCL/TK probably thinks that the obects are invisible. Then it disables them graphically.
Once this happens all number boxes, etc. in the entire Pd do not update anymore. It needs restarting. I found some people saying that there is a bug in TCL/TK that causes this but the fixes that I found did not work. I was originally looking for a reset function that would check whether objects are visable or not atm but couldn't find anything.
So I ended up putting the number boxes behind canvases and I'm sending the values for displaying now to the canvases on top of it. This works fine but needs a bunch more objects and takes quite some time to make for each parameter with all the sends and receives. I had to redo over 300 parameters in my patch editor. I took me several weeks full time (still not done all the way with the sliders) . . . On the other hand it looks better and the graphics can be changed to my liking while the number boxes still look as ugly as always.
I'm definitely NOT expecting Pd to be the cause anymore as the issue comes only up with large patches that take several seconds to open. I also found reports on the internet that other people had this issue with TCL/TK with software other than Pd.
So looking for fixing the issue in Pd doesn't make any more sense to me.
One wy to reproduce this issue is by starting a patch invisible with vis 0 and making it visable later. That does it sometimes but not always. I just tried to see if I can make a small patch that would act like this for an easy reproduction. I tried on Windows, though. Even though the patch took about a minute to open it was working fine. Again, not sure what exactly causes it - whether it is the operating system or the patch . . .
As I mentioned in my original post it still works fine on my Intel boards on Debian but not on my Raspberry Pi on Raspbian. This makes things even more complicated.
It could be caused by the fact that the Raspberry needs much more time for the graphics than my faster Intel boards to open the patch. But it could also be caused by differences in the operating system.
I don't have any clue about how TCL/TK works so I don't want to get into this and waste a lot of time that I need for other things. Especially now that I can replace the graphics with better looking graphics to begin with.
It's just that displaying arrays doesn't work anymore. Making gifs of the curves is the only solution that came to my mind so far.
-----Original Message----- From: Roman Haefeli [mailto:reduzent@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2022 9:19 PM To: Ingo Subject: Re: [PD] Trouble with updating number boxes, sliders, arrays on
- looking for a replacement to display an array
On Sat, 2022-01-15 at 18:57 +0100, Ingo wrote:
I don't expect this to be a Pd issue and I have brought it up a bunch of times before. Noone had these problems!
You sure?
But I have a huge patch for editing more than 500 parameters - each with 10-50 objects - which is quite a graphical task within Pd. Noone is going to mess with this to find out where it comes from. Especially since I expect it to be a TCL/TK issue.
I understand. So, are you saying the problem with not updating GUI widgets doesn't happen with smaller patches? It's specific to your large patch?
I'm really tired of trying to mess with it any longer so I changed my graphics to work differently. I'm ok with it and it works as expected now .
I'm experiencing similar issues sometimes in large(-ish) netpd sets. When opening a new instrument, it takes quite a while until GUI updates become visible again. I haven't tracked down the source of this yet. And I'm also not sure whether what I just described is related to your problem. But reporting it would be good anyway, I think. It would help, if
could share a patch that shows the problem, but then I don't know if you
share your patch at all.