Hey Chris, The OS is 32 bit: Windows XP Home Edition, Version 2002, Service Pack 2 Drew
At 02:49 PM 11/3/2006, chris clepper wrote:
Hi Drew
I tested the DirectShow code on an Athlon64 laptop (much of it was written on one). I don't have any AMD machines to test with now though. The COM initialization is the very first check done before DirectShow is even called and all DirectShow code has to have that COM code. I haven't even seen that error happen since COM is pretty basic for the MS OSes - kind of like saying you don't have any OS installed.
Which service packs do you have installed? Is this a 64bit or 32 bit OS?
On 11/3/06, Drew Browning drew@uic.edu wrote:
I'm trying to use PD/GEM on my Shuttle, AMD Athlon 64 machine with WinXP and a ATI Radeon X800 graphics card. GEM seems to work fine except for pix_video. When I load a pix_video patch, like 00.SimpleVideo.pd from the examples, I get the following:
MAN::resetState entered error: pix_video: could not initialise COM. MAN::resetState entered
When I send the message "device 0" the pix_video object, I get the following:
error: pix_videoDS: COM has not been initialized.
Here's what I have done to try to solve the problem:
- I've tried different versions of PD/GEM but I still can't use pix_video.
I'm currently using Pd version 0.40-1 and GEM version 0.91-cvs.
- I've updated my graphics driver to the most recent version.
- I've tried both USB web cams and DV cam but both give the same error. The
cameras work in other applications.
- pix_video works fine on my Pentium machines. I thought it might be an AMD
problem but when wrote to the list about this a year ago others replied they had no problem with their AMD Athlon 64 machines.
- Per another suggestion I ran services.msc and made sure COM, DCOM and WMI
services were started and they are.
- I've updated my DirectX to the latest version.
I'm hoping there might be someone who can help me find a solution.
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Drew Browning, Assoc. Prof.; Director, Design Visualization Lab Industrial Design and Electronic Visualization Programs UIC School of Art and Design (mc 036), Rm. 106 JH 929 W. Harrison, Chicago Illinois 60607-7038 Office: (312) 996-0156; Dept: (312) 996-3337 DVL: (312) 413-1497; EVL: (312) 996-3002 http://www.evl.uic.edu/drew, email: drew@uic.edu UNIVERSAL DESIGN IS GOOD DESIGN _________________________________________________________________
On 11/3/06, Drew Browning drew@uic.edu wrote:
Hey Chris, The OS is 32 bit: Windows XP Home Edition, Version 2002, Service Pack 2 Drew
I have an Intel CoreDuo laptop running that exact OS with no problems. I didn't install anything other than Pd and it has captured hundreds of clips from a DV cam so far. Unfortunately, I don't know what to suggest as a solution to this problem.