Notice that [any2string] outputs a zero as the last element of a list of floats. The attached patch shows a way to replace the zero with the more usual carriage-return/line-feed combination.
De: IOhannes m zmoelnig Date: 2006/12/12 mar. AM 10:28:39 GMT-05:00 À: Miguel Cardoso Cc: pd-liste, Objet: Re: [PD] mr peach language...xmlsocket
Miguel Cardoso wrote:
Im using mrpeach to send messages to flash, but all I can send is files... so comunication is working and just need to understand the language...
[ send 21 /test.xml 0 ] I send to socket 21 the content of test.xml 0 end the message (for flash) / the 0 byte flash needs
How can I convert into bytes a message composed in pd, instead of loading a file?
with [any2string].
mfgasdr IOhannes