Hey list,
i am new here and my question is related to midi routing.
I wrote a patch which parses incoming mididata from an
external midi controller and routes them via contoller numbers
to a ladspa plugin. Everything works. Controller A controlls cutoff
B resonance.
My problem is, that if i tweak controller A e.g. to a value = 0 and
then contoller B, which has e.g. a (former) value = 100, the value of B
jumps to the value of A for a short time. After this delay B has the
right (old) value.
Is it possible to avoid this jumping to the previous controller state,
maybe with a delay or by storing the old values?
hello Ingo,
Selon ingo haenlein superscalar@gmx.de:
I wrote a patch which parses incoming mididata from an external midi controller and routes them via contoller numbers to a ladspa plugin. Everything works. Controller A controlls cutoff B resonance. My problem is, that if i tweak controller A e.g. to a value = 0 and
then contoller B, which has e.g. a (former) value = 100, the value of B
jumps to the value of A for a short time. After this delay B has the
right (old) value.
it's not normal
you could check this (wild guesses):
done entirely in parallel (it's easier to program and you don't have to route :)
this setup works for me (copy paste in a txt editor if you have an html-only mail client):
outside world
physical_A (set to midi cc number X) // in you MIDI controller/sliderbox
(MIDI cable transmission)
inside the computer (pd)
[ctlin X] //routing is done here by writing "X"
| [r interpolation_time_for_conversion]
| |
| |
[pd value_scaling&convert_to_signal]
[vcf~] // or another filter; here, center inlet~ = cutoff
(same for physical_B, with Y instead of X (X != Y) and using the right inlet of [vcf~] for controlling Q)
you should attach your patch maybe
regards, -j