I apologize for the intrusion but the pure-data list hosts exactly the people we are looking for: computer musicians who code. We're trying to figure out how software engineering research can help computer musicians or if computer musicians need any help.
Are you a computer musician? Do you code in languages geared towards music (e.g., Pure Data, Max MSP, Chuck, SuperCollider, etc.) or make music in other programming languages like C, Java, C++, Javascript, etc.?
If so, we would like to hear from you! We the PIs, Gregory Burlet and Abram Hindle, are from the Department of Computing Science at the University of Alberta and are conducting a survey of computer musicians to investigate how this demographic of software developers program musical instruments or applications.
Please visit the survey invitation website http://webdocs.cs.ualberta.ca/%7Egburlet/musiccoders_survey.html and click the "I consent, take me to the survey" button to complete the survey (if you consent). The survey will take 5 to 10 minutes.
Thanks for your time!
Gregory Burlet and Abram Hindle Graduate Student & Assistant Professor Department of Computing Science University of Alberta CANADA