Hi gang,
just realized that MIDI input to PD only works for me via OSS. That means that if I try to run PD with Jack, none of my MIDI devices can be found. Is there a reason for this? I am using a relatively recent CVS version of PD. Does this have anything to do with the grudge against ALSA that PD seems to have picked up as of late? Or is there some kind of trick with my alsa configuration that I have missed [alsa.conf posted on request]?
Starting with -mididev $anything fails to work with jack, starting with -alsa segfaults [again... I once had this fixed... sigh!], and everything seems to work fine only with these dinosaur OSS drivers. Ugh!
There is some small consolation in knowing that Guenter's libjackasyn is enough of a workaround for this afternoon's session:
jacklaunch pd
gets me to Jack via OSS, so I can use my nice little Pocket Fader now.
Hallo, derek holzer hat gesagt: // derek holzer wrote:
just realized that MIDI input to PD only works for me via OSS.
I can use midi with -alsa and -jack as well. However Pd wants rawmidi devices, not the ALSA sequencer, so you should make sure, that ALSA's OSS compat. modules are loaded for midi as well (snd_seq_oss) and you need the /dev/midi* devices.
That means that if I try to run PD with Jack, none of my MIDI devices can be found. Is there a reason for this? I am using a relatively recent CVS version of PD. Does this have anything to do with the grudge against ALSA that PD seems to have picked up as of late? Or is there some kind of trick with my alsa configuration that I have missed [alsa.conf posted on request]?
No, you don't need any alsa.conf magic at all.
Starting with -mididev $anything fails to work with jack, starting with -alsa segfaults [again... I once had this fixed... sigh!], and everything seems to work fine only with these dinosaur OSS drivers. Ugh!
Both -jack and -alsa shouldn't affect midi operations at all. In any case Pd will (should) look for /dev/midiXX where XX is one less then what was specified on the -mididev command line. (-mididev 2 => /dev/midi1, -mididev 21 => /dev/midi20, ... )
What does pd -verbose tell?
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
This is weird,
But jack has nothing to do with midi.And alsa.conf is also not relevant. PD uses (at least for the moment) straight read/write calls on some device in a classic unix way. (alsa sequencer support would be nice though). It tries to use /dev/midix where x is the mididev number passed on the commandline or your /pdrc _minus_ 1. (or 2 as in some versions this transalation from "userfriendly" start numbering at 1 to "geeky" start numbering at 0 was done twice).
So -mididev 1 will attempt /dev/midi0. However recent alsa offten calls that /dev/midi00 IIRC so that will give problems.
MIDI input has always worked with OSS, but as a consolation, this is also works on the ALSA midi devices, you just need to link /dev/midix to your alsa midi-device. Look for Frank's midi softsynth loopback HOWTO.
I have found that the best way is to link /dev/midi11 (or whatever) to /dev/snd/midiC0D0 or whatever your midi card/device is. And then use -mididev 12
I am using (today in fact) stock 0.37 pd with jack and MIDI.
Look for Frank's midi softsynth loopback HOWTO.
Hope this helps
On Saturday 05 June 2004 15:18, derek holzer wrote:
Hi gang,
just realized that MIDI input to PD only works for me via OSS. That means that if I try to run PD with Jack, none of my MIDI devices can be found. Is there a reason for this? I am using a relatively recent CVS version of PD. Does this have anything to do with the grudge against ALSA that PD seems to have picked up as of late? Or is there some kind of trick with my alsa configuration that I have missed [alsa.conf posted on request]?
Starting with -mididev $anything fails to work with jack, starting with -alsa segfaults [again... I once had this fixed... sigh!], and everything seems to work fine only with these dinosaur OSS drivers. Ugh!
vanDongen/Gilcher wrote:
So -mididev 1 will attempt /dev/midi0. However recent alsa offten calls that /dev/midi00 IIRC so that will give problems.
Eureka! Found the MIDI interface of my HDSP hiding at /dev/midi00
thx, d.