hello all,
I thought I should report my experience with MOTU's 2408mkII. I understand that PD users are very concerned with hardward configurations and such things (particularly when dealing with ASIO and multi-channeling).
FYI: I posted a question last week just prior to buying the device. Nobody responded with info or opinions specifically about the 2408mkII; but there were some interesting responses about the MOTU 808.
I have now been using the 2408 for approximately two hours and my initial response is very positive. Here are the details so far:
2408mkII - Firewire device.
ASIO drivers (WDM) (MME support is also just a click away but I've used WDM within PD) Latency is not noticeable. I haven't tested it for an exact measurement, but let me say right now that I don't hear any delay at all; if i had to guess, latency is much less than 10 ms.
standard windows drivers also work just fine, but latency is "normal".
PD 0.35 test 28
Windows XP 1.8 P4 processor.
With 2 channels of simoultaneous input and output, CPU usage bounces around 12 - 16%. (That's running signal directly from adc~ to dac~ with no other processing.)
Regards, Dave Sabine