Is there a way to make the xticks/yticks bigger in garrays? The large ticks I can kinda see, but the small ticks I have to squint and bring my face closer to the screen more. It seems like this is esp a problem on the left hand vertical axis, the right hand vertical axis ticks seem to stick out more. The same seems to be true with the horizontal axes: the ticks on the bottom horizontal axis stick out more than the ones on the top horizontal axis.
Also, is it possible to achieve font size 11? It seems like through setting the font size to 11 in the start up flag makes pd default to 10. Is this a tk limitation? This bit isn't such a huge deal though. I usu use 12pt, it's just part of me thinks maybe I can get away with using 11.
I'm using Linux if it makes any diff. Thanks!
Derek Kwan www.derekxkwan.com