I just install raspbian release and update it. then install pd 0.44.1 (without any specific optimisation flag)
I made the standard optimisation :
in /etc/security/limits.conf
and dwc_otg.speed=1 in /boot/cmdline.txt as suggested by miller
I use a uca222 beringher (that cost about 20 or 25€) sound card. trying the test audio and midi, there is no click with 10ms audio buffer (with adc~ enable).
this is with usb keyboard / mouse combo plugged and graphical interface (for the system and for pd).
without X, audiobuf can be as low as 5ms
having a usb keyboard did not change anything for me.
i'm very happy
cheers c
Hi all, for my USB audio class 2.0 device "Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6" i can't report such good news. There is constant irregular crackling, not only with Pd but also with aplay etc. It seems related to USB bandwidth, since turning on and off the inputs in Pd changes crackling frequency. The dwc_otg.speed setting is not usable for me, since the device is dependent on USB 2.0 operation. Any experiences with USB 2.0 audio devices under ALSA/rpi? thanks, gr~~~
2013/1/26 Cyrille Henry ch@chnry.net
Message to self: it seems that one has to wait for updated RPi USB firmware/drivers to get USB 2.0 audio going. Obviously the "isochronous transfer mode" as used by audio interfaces is currently broken. gr~~~
2013/1/26 Thomas Grill gr@grrrr.org
Some people seem to have result with setting lower USB speed on the Pi, but when I try this, the Pi doesn't even respond to keyboard anymore. Checking /boot/cmdline.txt with another computer, I'm sure it is not due to a typo. But the order of settings may be important? Could anyone copy the full text of /boot/cmdline.txt for me, if you have keyboard working with lowered USB speed? (I'm not talking about good audio yet).
Thanks, Katja
On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 8:54 PM, Thomas Grill gr@grrrr.org wrote:
My USB 2.0 soundcard (E-MU 040) works fine in the lastest Raspbian without any tweaks. I'm thus not sure it has to be with USB itself.
2013/1/27 katja katjavetter@gmail.com
i basically just ordered ever cheapo (<30$) usb stereo soundcard there is on amazon. ill get the uni to pay.
i was having the same issue as katja. no keyboard, wifi, etc with usb speed 1
ill let the group know if any of the usb soundcards i ordered work with speed 2 (hopefully) or speed 1 if i can find a usb 1.0 keyboard...
cheers m
On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 8:33 AM, Cyrille Henry ch@chnry.net wrote:
Thanks Pierre and Cyrille.
It turned out that various keyboards and mouse just kill USB (when at 1.1) on the Pi. 'Keysonic Wireless Trackball Keyboard' happens to work well. The lower USB speed brings substantial improvement of the audio indeed. Now a real realtime kernel, that would probably improve things further.
On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Cyrille Henry ch@chnry.net wrote:
I heard suggestions on the Pi sites (I forget exactly where) that the USB 2.0 implementation isn't compatible with a large variety of USB 2.0 devices (including for instance the Griffin iMic). So I don't think the issue is the load that USB 2.0 puts on the Pi, it's simply bugs. But I gather nobody is in a hurry to get them fixed - the attitude in Cambridge is that it's the devices' fault, not the Pi's.
I have beem suspecting that my keyboard is also incompatible with the Pi at USB 1.1 speed. I haven't tried other keyboards yet since I'm usually happy to ssh in without any other USB devices (besides audio and ethernet) talking to the Pi. But this is not always true so soon enough I'll have to try other keyboards so I can get the thing working as a standalone computer.
cheers Miller
On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 04:50:16PM +0100, katja wrote:
Both are already mentioned but I'd like to confirm that these do work on RPi (provided the USB speed is lowered as described in this thread): iMic and Behringer UCA202.
On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 5:51 PM, Miller Puckette msp@ucsd.edu wrote:
hello, i use the beringer UCA222 and got it to work with 5ms audio bufer with the pi in full duplex.
great news! which sampling rate do you run by the way? I suppose the hardware AD/DAcs are fixed to 48k. I never completely understood this, and should actually ask the LAU list, but wonder where the resampling in Linux is done when you run Pd at 44k1.
does someone has experiences with M-Audio Fast Track Ultra 8R or RME multiface or other devices with 8 or more channels? Can the PI handle so much channels?
The HDSP/Multiface solutions require a pci pcie pcmcia or express card slot. best, P