I just moved to Chicago and would love an opportunity to connect with some other PD users in the area. I don't have all of my gear here yet so I wouldn't be able to collaborate on a show for at least a couple months, but I would still like to hash out some ideas and see what other Chicago folks are working on. Formal or informal, I think the important thing is that we meet. We don't need to get hung up on putting on a show right away.
Anyway, count me in. -Ben
I could still meet informally on the 18th.
I'd also like to recommend a meet up location different than a bar, at least for future meetings.
Rumble Arts Center, in Humbolt Park, offers affordable meeting space. I spoke with the person in charge and she said she usually they charge $50 to rent a meeting space, but that it was negotiable. They offer a lot of community-based classes, so maybe even some sort of Pd workshop could become part of their offerings, and we could get in on that.
I'm going to set up a more formal time to talk with her, so if I could get a vague notion of how many people we could get in February as well as a more concrete date and time, I could hammer something out.