Hallo list, Hans !
I just tried to use the latest Pd-extended for linux and have some problems how to load libraries (e.g. iemmatrix):
When I start Pd with pd -lib iemmatrix I get the following message in the console: "iemmatrix: can't load library"
and I cannot access the objects directly - but I can get them with the geiger-namespace (e.g. [iemmatrix/mtx_min]
Then I tried to use [import], but when I create a [import iemmatrix] I get the following message:
[import] $Revision: 1.2 $ written by Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@at.or.at compiled on Jan 25 2007 at 06:38:15 compiled against Pd version 0.40.2 [import]: ERROR: can't load library in iemmatrix
and I cannot use the library.
So I wanted to ask, what is the "official" way to load libraries in the libdir format ? Maybe this is only a problem on my computer ...
LG Georg
Thank you for asking this, I was perplexed as well and your phrasing of the question is right on!
What is the procedure? I'm still stuck in the .pdrc days (since I like having multiple start up options). If more experienced Pd vets are struggling to load externals w/ Pd-extended, then how will the newbies handle it?
On 1/25/07, Georg Holzmann grhPD@gmx.at wrote:
Hallo list, Hans !
I just tried to use the latest Pd-extended for linux and have some problems how to load libraries (e.g. iemmatrix):
When I start Pd with pd -lib iemmatrix I get the following message in the console: "iemmatrix: can't load library"
and I cannot access the objects directly - but I can get them with the geiger-namespace (e.g. [iemmatrix/mtx_min]
Then I tried to use [import], but when I create a [import iemmatrix] I get the following message:
[import] $Revision: 1.2 $ written by Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@at.or.at compiled on Jan 25 2007 at 06:38:15 compiled against Pd version 0.40.2 [import]: ERROR: can't load library in iemmatrix
and I cannot use the library.
So I wanted to ask, what is the "official" way to load libraries in the libdir format ? Maybe this is only a problem on my computer ...
LG Georg
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Hallo, Georg Holzmann hat gesagt: // Georg Holzmann wrote:
I just tried to use the latest Pd-extended for linux and have some problems how to load libraries (e.g. iemmatrix):
When I start Pd with pd -lib iemmatrix I get the following message in the console: "iemmatrix: can't load library"
I'm not using it, but from what I was told, -lib is the correct way to load libdirs. Are you sure, you are running a version which supports it? Maybe some other pd is called, like in /usr/local? What does "type -a pd" say?
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__
load libdirs. Are you sure, you are running a version which supports it? Maybe some other pd is called, like in /usr/local? What does "type -a pd" say?
no, I checked it and I use the pd-extended pd ...
however, I have various pd's installed, so type -a says: type -a pd pd is /usr/bin/pd pd is /usr/X11R6/bin/pd pd is /usr/local/bin/pd pd is ./pd
I just recognized something interesting: If I create an [libdir] object I can use [import iemmatrix] and then it works as it should ... ?
LG Georg
On Jan 25, 2007, at 1:59 PM, Georg Holzmann wrote:
load libdirs. Are you sure, you are running a version which supports it? Maybe some other pd is called, like in /usr/local? What does
"type -a pd" say?no, I checked it and I use the pd-extended pd ...
however, I have various pd's installed, so type -a says: type -a pd pd is /usr/bin/pd pd is /usr/X11R6/bin/pd pd is /usr/local/bin/pd pd is ./pd
I just recognized something interesting: If I create an [libdir] object I can use [import iemmatrix] and
then it works as it should ... ?
Sounds like you are using an 0.40 version of Pd-extended. The libdir
stuff was converted to use Thomas Grill's loader functionality, so
you have to load the "libdir" lib before you can load any libdirs.
This same libdir.pd_linux binary will also work with vanilla Pd >= 0.40.
LG Georg
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/ listinfo/pd-list
Using ReBirth is like trying to play an 808 with a long stick. - David Zicarelli
Sounds like you are using an 0.40 version of Pd-extended. The libdir stuff was converted to use Thomas Grill's loader functionality, so you have to load the "libdir" lib before you can load any libdirs. This same libdir.pd_linux binary will also work with vanilla Pd >= 0.40.
Okay, thanks - I understand ...
Can we make a site on puredata.org where we descripe all that stuff from a user point of view ? Maybe in http://puredata.org/docs, but I don't know where to put it there, because there are only user manuals - or also in downloads/pd-extended ...
Maybe also the release path you described (with links): dated auto-build --> test build --> RC build --> release so that newbies know which version they should download and how to use it ...
LG Georg
On Jan 27, 2007, at 10:59 AM, Georg Holzmann wrote:
Sounds like you are using an 0.40 version of Pd-extended. The
libdir stuff was converted to use Thomas Grill's loader
functionality, so you have to load the "libdir" lib before you can
load any libdirs. This same libdir.pd_linux binary will also work
with vanilla Pd >= 0.40.Okay, thanks - I understand ...
Can we make a site on puredata.org where we descripe all that stuff
from a user point of view ? Maybe in http://puredata.org/docs, but I don't know where to put it
there, because there are only user manuals - or also in downloads/ pd-extended ...Maybe also the release path you described (with links): dated auto-build --> test build --> RC build --> release so that newbies know which version they should download and how to
use it ...
Sounds like an excellent idea. As usual, it's just a matter of
someone doing the work. Related to the web site reorg, I think
that the doc section of the website should all be a wiki so that it
is easy to contribute.
LG Georg
Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to
realize his wishes. Now that he can realize them, he must either
change them, or perish. -William Carlos Williams
Sounds like you are using an 0.40 version of Pd-extended. The libdir stuff was converted to use Thomas Grill's loader functionality, so you have to load the "libdir" lib before you can load any libdirs.
This same libdir.pd_linux binary will also work with vanilla Pd >= 0.40.
It still does not work as it should:
it works not, if I start pd -lib libdir -lib iemmatrix then I can use e.g. [mtx_add], but I get the following message on the console: libdir_loader: added iemmatrix to the global classpath This is deprecated behavior.
Okay, but when I start pd -lib libdir and then make an [import iemmatrix] I get the message: libdir_loader: added iemmatrix to the canvas-local path [import] loaded library: iemmatrix but I cannot use [mtx_add], only [iemmatrix/mtx_add]
(and the same with other libraries, not only iemmatrix ...)
So do you know what I should try to debug this ?
One other small thing: if I create a [zexy/niagara] object for example, I can then also create a [niagara] object - is this normal ?
LG Georg
Can we make a site on puredata.org where we descripe all that stuff from a user point of view ? Maybe in http://puredata.org/docs, but I don't know where to put it there, because there are only user manuals - or also in downloads/pd-extended ...
Maybe also the release path you described (with links): dated auto-build --> test build --> RC build --> release so that newbies know which version they should download and how to use it ...
Sounds like an excellent idea. As usual, it's just a matter of someone doing the work. Related to the web site reorg, I think that the doc section of the website should all be a wiki so that it is easy to contribute.
Yes, I tried to do that but I don't have the rights to add a new page to the documentation section.
Also I want to know how to use pd-extended before I can write the documentation (see other thread) ... ;)
LG Georg
On Jan 28, 2007, at 11:45 AM, Georg Holzmann wrote:
Sounds like you are using an 0.40 version of Pd-extended. The
libdir stuff was converted to use Thomas Grill's loader
functionality, so you have to load the "libdir" lib before you
can load any libdirs. This same libdir.pd_linux binary will
also work with vanilla Pd >= 0.40.It still does not work as it should:
it works not, if I start pd -lib libdir -lib iemmatrix then I can use e.g. [mtx_add], but I get the following message on
the console: libdir_loader: added iemmatrix to the global classpath This is deprecated behavior.Okay, but when I start pd -lib libdir and then make an [import
iemmatrix] I get the message: libdir_loader: added iemmatrix to the canvas-local path [import] loaded library: iemmatrix but I cannot use [mtx_add], only [iemmatrix/mtx_add](and the same with other libraries, not only iemmatrix ...)
So do you know what I should try to debug this ?
Yeah, same for me. I don't have time to look at this right now.
I've barely tried the Pd-0.40.2-extended builds, I expect they are
very rough. Try turning on -verbose and seeing what it's trying to
One other small thing: if I create a [zexy/niagara] object for
example, I can then also create a [niagara] object - is this normal ?
Yup, that is an unresolved issue. It shouldn't be that way, but a
solution isn't figured out yet.
LG Georg
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and
during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man
for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. - General
Smedley Butler
On Jan 28, 2007, at 11:47 AM, Georg Holzmann wrote:
Can we make a site on puredata.org where we descripe all that
stuff from a user point of view ? Maybe in http://puredata.org/docs, but I don't know where to put
it there, because there are only user manuals - or also in
downloads/pd-extended ...Maybe also the release path you described (with links): dated auto-build --> test build --> RC build --> release so that newbies know which version they should download and how
to use it ...Sounds like an excellent idea. As usual, it's just a matter of
someone doing the work. Related to the web site reorg, I think
that the doc section of the website should all be a wiki so that
it is easy to contribute.Yes, I tried to do that but I don't have the rights to add a new
page to the documentation section.
I haven't been able to get the permission stuff working in Plone.
Anyone else know how to make the "doc" section open to all logged in
account have create/edit access to the wiki pages there?
Also I want to know how to use pd-extended before I can write the
documentation (see other thread) ... ;)LG Georg
Access to computers should be unlimited and total. - the hacker ethic
On 28/01/2007, at 21.31, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On Jan 28, 2007, at 11:47 AM, Georg Holzmann wrote:
Can we make a site on puredata.org where we descripe all that
stuff from a user point of view ? Maybe in http://puredata.org/docs, but I don't know where to put
it there, because there are only user manuals - or also in
downloads/pd-extended ...Maybe also the release path you described (with links): dated auto-build --> test build --> RC build --> release so that newbies know which version they should download and how
to use it ...Sounds like an excellent idea. As usual, it's just a matter of
someone doing the work. Related to the web site reorg, I think
that the doc section of the website should all be a wiki so that
it is easy to contribute.Yes, I tried to do that but I don't have the rights to add a new
page to the documentation section.I haven't been able to get the permission stuff working in Plone.
Anyone else know how to make the "doc" section open to all logged
in account have create/edit access to the wiki pages there?
I also think it would be a good thing to make the docs more wiki'sh.
And i find this interesting, why I've taken it a step further at:
Okay, but when I start pd -lib libdir and then make an [import iemmatrix] I get the message: libdir_loader: added iemmatrix to the canvas-local path [import] loaded library: iemmatrix but I cannot use [mtx_add], only [iemmatrix/mtx_add]
Yeah, same for me. I don't have time to look at this right now. I've barely tried the Pd-0.40.2-extended builds, I expect they are very rough. Try turning on -verbose and seeing what it's trying to load.
I fixed it now, but I don't know if this is not a bug in pd 0.40:
The problem is, that canvas-local search path really tread each path as local to the canvas-path ( see line 1561 in g_canvas.c). So if you add e.g. /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/iemmatrix, it will search for this path, but local to the canvas path - so if I started Pd from /home/me it will search in /home/me//usr/local/lib/pd/extra/iemmatrix !
Is this a feature or a bug of Pd ?
I fixed it now in libdir.c, so that I add ../../usr/local/lib/pd/extra/iemmatrix to the canvas-local search path instead of /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/iemmatrix ... But I cannot guarantee that this will also work on windows ...
LG Georg
On Jan 29, 2007, at 2:21 PM, Georg Holzmann wrote:
Okay, but when I start pd -lib libdir and then make an [import
iemmatrix] I get the message: libdir_loader: added iemmatrix to the canvas-local path [import] loaded library: iemmatrix but I cannot use [mtx_add], only [iemmatrix/mtx_add][...]
Yeah, same for me. I don't have time to look at this right now.
I've barely tried the Pd-0.40.2-extended builds, I expect they are
very rough. Try turning on -verbose and seeing what it's trying
to load.I fixed it now, but I don't know if this is not a bug in pd 0.40:
The problem is, that canvas-local search path really tread each
path as local to the canvas-path ( see line 1561 in g_canvas.c). So if you add e.g. /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/iemmatrix, it will
search for this path, but local to the canvas path - so if I
started Pd from /home/me it will search in /home/me//usr/local/lib/ pd/extra/iemmatrix !
Ah yeah, I vaguely remember seeing something like that, nice find!
Is this a feature or a bug of Pd ?
I fixed it now in libdir.c, so that I add ../../usr/local/lib/pd/ extra/iemmatrix to the canvas-local search path instead of /usr/ local/lib/pd/extra/iemmatrix ... But I cannot guarantee that this will also work on windows ...
That sounds like a bug to me. It could be a bug in my implementation
of [import] rather than in Pd itself since I am using functions are
not publically exposed (yet?). Have you tried this with [declare]?
Both [import]/[classpath] and [declare] use the same functions in Pd,
they just have different interfaces.
../ should work fine on Windows, but ideally this would be handled
LG Georg
Mistrust authority - promote decentralization. - the hacker ethic
o'la totes,
here u can find more new pd muzik unreleased at *nvisible.taz* [temporary and autonomous site of daax!] >> http://gustto.org/nvisible.taz/audio.html mirror at: http://www.pitchvolley.com/nvisible.taz/audio.html
nu trakks are >> d0wnstepp // subaquatika // slowdrills // florhauz // kernelpanik!!
remember that ull find tools at software section...right now im developing a new release of hackthedj! (v2) patch as soon as ill be published i ll remember in this list... enjoy ;P
salut x!
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
file not found!!
On Jan 30, 2007, at 2:54 PM, x4v1 wrote:
o'la totes,
here u can find more new pd muzik unreleased at *nvisible.taz*
[temporary and autonomous site of daax!] >> http://gustto.org/nvisible.taz/audio.html mirror at: http://www.pitchvolley.com/nvisible.taz/audio.htmlnu trakks are >> d0wnstepp // subaquatika // slowdrills //
florhauz // kernelpanik!!remember that ull find tools at software section...right now im
developing a new release of hackthedj! (v2) patch as soon as ill be published i ll remember in this list... enjoy ;Psalut x!
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/ listinfo/pd-list
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/ listinfo/pd-list