I see I can pass a 3- or 4- dimension vector to a glsl shader by delcaring a uniform variable of type vec3 or vec4 and sending [glsl_program] the vector as a list, for example, declaring in the shader: uniform vec4 mycolor; and sending [glsl_program] the message "mycolor 1 0 1 1".
I tried the same with matrices (i.e. declaring uniform mat4 mymatrix and sending the message "mymatrix 1 1 1 1 ......") but it doesn't seem to work. I thought it would be a matter of finding out in which order to write the coefficients of the matrix, but whatever I send everything acts as if the matrix was always all-zero.
Is it supposed to work? If so what may I be missing?
I don't get any error message, neither when I link the program nor when I send the message with the matrix. It just acts like the matrix is always null.
Thanks m.