Hello everybody.
Really beginner's question: how can I make a tilde object if I can't type a tilde? I usually type alt+0126 (here it is:~) but in pd it doesn't work. Is that because of my italian keyboard?
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I work with a belgian keyboard layout, and the tilde is obtained with 'alt-gr', but is also a 'dead key'. It only shows up after I press 'space'.
Alt+nnn combinations do not seem to behave in PD as 'usual' (who's still using it?) in dos/windows. I can't get a clue what magic this does in PD, but I guess it's more related to TK than PD. Anyone?
On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, Frank Barknecht wrote:
I think Pd has been grabbing Alt-key events since I incorporated Guenter's GUI objects, maybe ten versions ago (alt-b creates a "bang" button and so on.) I'm not sure this is really a good idea, but there it is for now.
cheers Miller
On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 02:40:57PM +0100, Johannes Taelman wrote:
for common objects, use this object menu.
you can always rename your ~ objects once you have them on the canvas when you need an external that is not listed.
dario aprea wrote:
hello Dario
my students discovered some weeks ago that in their windows 2000 and xp computers they needed type alt+456 to display a tilde when running pd!
in my windows 98 and Me, when running pd, I type alt+126. tilde appears kindly
but in computers running windows 2000 where i teach it was impossible to include a tilde in an object... I felt myself really stupid trying without any success to type a simple tilde in the middle of an explanation :))) copy & paste was the solution...
hope this helps
jose manuel