Hi guys,
I was just wondering if anyone knows where I can find a decent 8-band (or greater) Eq patch? I don't need anything too fancy-I tried to make one myself, but I'm still figuring out how the lop~ and hip~ objects work and I'm in kind of a hurry.
Thanks-enjoying all your emails very much.
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moin babysco,
if you're on linux, you could use the LADSPA plugin 'Multiband EQ (1197/mbeq)'. Check if it's installed with:
$ listplugins | grep mbeq
Instantiate it in Pd with [plugin~ mbeq]. Send it 'control #N VAL' messages, where N is an integer between 1 and 16 (inclusive), and VAL is a dB value between -70 and 30 (inclusive) to change gain on each of the 16 bands.
I've got a GUI for this hanging around if you're interested, but it probably requires a whole mess of my other abstractions and maybe even hacked externals. Still, you (or anyone elese) are welcome to it. You could also try generating a GUI yourself with my Pd::Patch perl modules, which come with a ladspa-plugin-wrapper-generator, but then you'd probably need to write your own abstraction template ;-)
marmosets, Bryan
On 2009-03-20 03:39:40, babsyco babsyco babsyco@hotmail.com appears to have written:
Hi guys,
I was just wondering if anyone knows where I can find a decent 8-band (or greater) Eq patch? I don't need anything too fancy-I tried to make one myself, but I'm still figuring out how the lop~ and hip~ objects work and I'm in kind of a hurry.
Thanks-enjoying all your emails very much.
Explore the new Windows Live. Looking for a place to manage all your online stuff? http://www.microsoft.com/australia/windows/windowslive/
Pd-dev mailing list Pd-dev@iem.at http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-dev
hi babsyco,
please only send your question to pd-list@iem.at
i am using hml_shelf, in pdmtl abstractions it's fx.eq~ http://wiki.dataflow.ws/PdMtlAbstractions
it's 3 bands, but i think it's very easy to modify. might be wrong. pat
there are a few EQ units in my DIY library: