(btw, Gmail is weird. and doesnt autoreply to the list)
and even more obnoxious, is the very first email i clicked, had this as the ad sidebar:
Sponsored Links Cycling '74: Max/MSP for Mac and Windows Cycling '74 sells Max/MSP and Jitter, a family of interactive ... www.cycling74.com
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: ix yaqtil@gmail.com Date: Dec 2, 2005 4:47 PM Subject: Re: [PD] can't get audio in and out at the same time... To: geiger geiger@xdv.org
Most likely a bad driver/soundchip which can't do full duplex.
if you didnt say OSS, and my mobo didnt have that same chip..maybe. i'd reinstall alsa-driver without OSS emulation since its /dev/dsp stuff could be hogging the only input/output