Hi everyone,
I'm new to all this but I would like to contribute because I think the intentions you all have are good, although my knowledge of programming stops at flash scripting, I would really want to take part of this experience and be able to use this amazing piece of software you are all building here together. Maybe my contribution could be of bringing user-level concepts and basically beta-testing what you build. I am a designer in public-space (just grad) based in rotterdam doing some vjying at weekends with an alubook15" 1ghz 256ram running all latest panther upgrades. I understand that Adam Lindsay you are the one working on porting this array of softs to panther, so probably this will only be of interest to you.. sorry if this is not the right place to post this.. Exploring the pd/pdp/pidip/gem network, I started following the instruction to install pd on panther through fink. Installing fink caused already a problem when the .dmg downloaded couldn't be mounted : "no mountable filesystem found".. reading on I found a message in some forum quoting that fink isn't actually needed at all because panther contains all the libs needed to install/run pd. So I found Adam's page; downloaded pd 0.36 install package which worked fine. Had to restart to be able to run it though. The other file I found here: http://taproot.dyndns.org/~cgc/downloads/index.html is the g4 version of gem : once downloaded it unpacks just 1 file called Gem.pd_darwin : how do I use this file? is it an installer? is gem needed to run pdp?
I have now PD 0.36 running, so basically the question is: how do I install PDP, GEM and PiDiP (are they so different? do they complement each other?) onto PD 0.36 (in panther thus)..
This just shows how difficult it might be for non-coders to use those obviously great tools.. Maybe it might be interesting to build a site that sits as a communication portal (linking all these efforts together).. communication for new but also more serious users (prbbly you, the ones at the base of this, sothat all know what threads of devs are going on -who's doing what-).
Maybe it is already there and I just missed it, maybe I miss the point of all this.. but for me the communication issue is the one which makes OS look so dark.. I saw some german lecturer of an OS conference last thursday in rotterdam promoting his book "free networks" or so, he was quoting himself: "geeks, no speech" from his experience with trying to understand and grasp a bit of what is happening with the OS dev world the last year(s)..
Having said that I personally don't think of people working together as something dark, I actually had good experience with a group (code31) in brussels.. And coming from the field of creation I totally adhere to collaborative working as going forward and pushing limits.
apologies for the long mail / / I hope this is not received as misunderstood / language sometimes deflects from the original meaning..
greetings and keep up the good work
Gon Zifroni.
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Gon Zifroni said this at Sat, 29 Nov 2003 14:51:59 +0000:
So I found Adam's page; downloaded pd 0.36 install package which worked fine. Had to restart to be able to run it though.
Glad to hear it still works, but Hans-Christoph has done much more recent work in terms of making a nice installable package of 0.37 for the Mac: http://www.pure-data.org/Members/hans/installers
Also, Jamie's work on a new Tcl/Tk is well worth watching, as well.
At 2:51 PM +0000 11/29/03, Gon Zifroni wrote:
The other file I found here: http://taproot.dyndns.org/~cgc/downloads/index.html is the g4 version of gem : once downloaded it unpacks just 1 file called Gem.pd_darwin : how do I use this file? is it an installer? is gem needed to run pdp?
I have now PD 0.36 running, so basically the question is: how do I install PDP, GEM and PiDiP (are they so different? do they complement each other?) onto PD 0.36 (in panther thus)..
I have just updated that page to give some installation directions for GEM on OSX. Let me know if they are adequate.
I have now PD 0.36 running, so basically the question is: how do I install PDP, GEM and PiDiP (are they so different? do they complement each other?) onto PD 0.36 (in panther thus)..
PDP/PiDiP and Gem don't depend on each others, you can install one or the other or both.
Gem is more dedicated to 3D and PDP/PiDiP to video processing.
but, Gem does some video processing too and PDP does 3D, i know, tricky....
to install PDP/PiDiP on OSX, you will need Fink, sorry, i don't know other ways of installing the requested packages on that system.
you can find PDP/PiDiP package and installation guidelines here: http://ydegoyon.free.fr/pidip.html
the support for OSX is quite new and not very well tested, so, be indulgent ( and patient ). it was first and mainly developped for Linux.
cheers, sevy