i have set up a WikiWikiWeb for PD visit it at http://iem.kug.ac.at/pdwiki/
a WikiWikiWeb is a collaborative web tool - it is easy for everyone to add new pages and/or edit the existing ones. It might be a good platform for putting announcements, documentation, patches, tarballs etc. on the net - ideally it shall become the the web page about the use of pd we where talking about some weeks ago.
HappyWikiIng norbert
----- Original Message ----- From: "Norbert Math" math@iem.kug.ac.at
... ideally it shall become the the web page about the use of pd we where talking about some weeks ago.
Yes indeed ! Thank you, Norbert ! Do you plan (or is it possible) to implement a search by category ?, I mean not a keyword search, but something you can browse to find subsections, like "patches", "sounds", "externals", "gem", with their own subsections, like ie "midi", "sound analysis", "stochastic", "filters" ... instead a just "Projects". Cool stuff anyway.
shows how this can be done. (i hope i made it clear - leave a note on the page if its obscure)
On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Nicolas Lhommet wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Norbert Math" math@iem.kug.ac.at
... ideally it shall become the the web page about the use of pd we where talking about some weeks ago.
Yes indeed ! Thank you, Norbert ! Do you plan (or is it possible) to implement a search by category ?, I mean not a keyword search, but something you can browse to find subsections, like "patches", "sounds", "externals", "gem", with their own subsections, like ie "midi", "sound analysis", "stochastic", "filters" ... instead a just "Projects". Cool stuff anyway.