Do you know a way to control VLC with Pure data?
It seem to work by telnet but I'm a complete newbie for that. Somebody can help me?
Best regards.
On Tue, 2009-01-13 at 20:39 +0100, Arnaud Tanguy wrote:
you also can create network connections from puredata. there is [netsend]/[netreceive] from vanilla, [netclient]/[netserver] from maxlib and [tcpclient]/[tcpserver] from mrpeach.
since you want to have a bidirectional connection, you want to use either [netclient] or [tcpclient]. [netclient] most likely doesn't work, since it 'talks' the FUDI [1] language, which requires every message to be terminated with a semicolon. [2] shows, that the messages coming from VLC are _not_ terminated with a semicolon, so you wouldn't receive any responses with [netclient]. so there is only [tcpclient] left. the problem with this one is, that it wants to have the messages encoded as numbers representing the ascii value of each character. also its output consists of lists of numbers. in order to be able to read the responses from VLC, you need to convert them to real characters. in moocow/pdstring, there are two classes, that do this conversion for you: [any2string] and [string2any]. with something like:
[any2string] | [tcpclient] | [string2any]
it might work. let us know, if you succeed.
[1] http://wiki.puredata.info/en/FUDI [2] http://www.videolan.org/doc/vls-user-guide/en/ch05.html#id293358
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People have talked about it in the past, but I haven't seen it
working. It should be possible using the "RC" (aka Remote Control)
interface in VLC. It would be awesome to have a working example of
Or you could do it in Gem or PDP...
On Jan 13, 2009, at 2:39 PM, Arnaud Tanguy wrote:
Access to computers should be unlimited and total. - the hacker ethic
hi list,
it is possible to control vlc from pd using the py external with the
rc interface of vlc.
thomas grill made an example in two minutes which i am happy to share.
due to limitations of vlc it seems to be impossible to display video
under os x because vlc can't open a window if it's in rc mode, but it
works with linux.
Am 13.01.2009 um 22:03 schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner:
forgot to say that you have to start vlc like this: vlc -I rc --rc-host=localhost:1234
here is a thread on the videolan forum regarding the video issue under
os x
if anyone finds a fix post here please.
also the python code is just a working proof-of-concept and proper
error handling should be added (if the connection drops for example).
Am 14.01.2009 um 14:49 schrieb Max: