I work for BUG Labs. In my spare time I've been playing around with some ideas for using libpd on our device. I put up a blog post about my work here: http://community.buglabs.net/aturley/posts/240-libpd-Embedding-Graphical-Pro...
Nothing revolutionary, but I thought people might enjoy seeing Pure Data on yet another platform (in this case, running in OSGi on ARM).
On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 09:15:29PM -0400, Andrew Turley wrote:
That's great, nevertheless your company's product or too expensive for what they are! May be if you were to come up with something like Panda or Beagle board, but more pro-audio oriented (i.e. with ballanced mic input and good 96Hz converters) - many people here would be intereseted :) It doesn't have to be OMAP (in fact better not OMAP), but any other multicore ARM with VPF, e.g. Marvell ARMADA. Contact me if you do need more information on this .. And certainly a cheaper enclosure .. I see that your company make these nice and expensive eclosures ..which would rather be optional, from my point of view!
Ilya D
On 21/04/11 16:47, errordeveloper@gmail.com wrote:
On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 09:15:29PM -0400, Andrew Turley wrote:
Nothing revolutionary, but I thought people might enjoy seeing Pure Data on yet another platform (in this case, running in OSGi on ARM).
Clearly then these devices are not for you (and audio isn't their focus) but there is surely a place for a modular system like this ... clearly a lot of effort has gone into creating a slick set of units. Why not sell them if there are people who want them?
If you are wanting to do similar yourself .. their software development is open source, downloadable from the site and the work they have done is available for you to use in any other open source project.
I have only just looked over the site, but if the internals have had similar care and attention as the design and exterior it would be a nice kit to work with, and because of the nice exterior etc it would be more attractive to some kinds of clients. I'd say how expensive the kits seem depends on how much you put a $ value on your own development time .. if you develop stuff for your own pleasure/learning/satisfaction/whatever then maybe it isn't for you. If you don't have the cash it isn't for you either, but the work put into the code has been paid for by their customers, and that code is free for you to use (in FLOSS projects of course).
It's nice to see Pd have a wide range of uses.
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Simon Wise simonzwise@gmail.com wrote:
errordeveloper, I agree, the price point doesn't work for everybody. To be clear, I wasn't trying to sell units, I just wanted to share something that I had done. We've tossed around the idea of a high-end audio module. I'll pass that information along if we end up doing it.
On Apr 21, 2011, at 10:39 AM, Andrew Turley wrote:
I think it doesn't hurt to have different options out there, so while
I agree bugs labs is more money than barebones embedded platforms, if
you want the ease they offer, it could be worth the money.
I'm curious whether you had a particular idea in mind when porting Pd
to the bug labs setup. I think there is a lot of potential in using
audio in product design.
"We have nothing to fear from love and commitment." - New York Senator
Diane Savino, trying to convince the NY Senate to pass a gay marriage
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@at.or.at wrote:
I didn't have any specific ideas in mind when I was working on getting libpd running on the BUG. I started working on it when I started with the company, as a way to gain some understanding of OSGi and jni bindings. I thought it might be useful to experiment with ideas like graphical event-driven programming and WYSIWYG GUI design, and I thought libpd might be a good way to get those things up and running quickly. I've also been interested in prototyping digital instrument design, and having a small programmable DSP platform with easy access to an accelerometer, camera, and analog and digital IO seemed like a useful tool.