hello, in gridflow/doc/index.pd there a start for learning many objects
Thank you for the hint. However, the point was that the [pddp_open] object (or abstraction?) used in the tutorial patch included in gridflow fails to create, so either the help patch relies on an object that is not part of Pd Extended and is not distributed with GridFlow, or there is something wrong with my installation...
----- Mail Original ----- De: "pvallet" publicat51@free.fr ?: pd-list@iem.at Envoy?: Lundi 8 Mars 2010 19h43:20 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne Objet: Re: [PD] gridflow on windows
Pddp is the PureData Documentation Project i'm not using it so i don't know much about it, but you can probably download a package from the net
Greetings, p.
Matteo Sisti Sette a ?crit :
Oh sh##, I see it needs Pd Extented. I was trying it with Pd Vanilla.
Maybe it would be a good idea to mention it in the installation readme and/or home page, or is it obvious?
It seems it works for the moment. However, in the tutorial intro (gf_tutorial_intro.pd) there are a lot of [pddp_open] objects that cannot create.
What is pddp_open? Where can I get it?
thanks m.
hello matteo,
its safe to ignore the pddp* messages, pddp is a series of objects that make the internal documentation a little more user friendly when interacting with the outside world (ie internet URLS).
you're right it's not part of gridflow, but i think they are generally packaged with pd-extended. it wont effect the usability of gridflow, or its documentation to not have these objects, so don't worry!
cheers, dmotd
Matteo Sisti Sette wrote:
hello, in gridflow/doc/index.pd there a start for learning many objects
Thank you for the hint. However, the point was that the [pddp_open] object (or abstraction?)
used in the tutorial patch included in gridflow fails to create, so
either the help patch relies on an object that is not part of Pd
Extended and is not distributed with GridFlow, or there is something
wrong with my installation...----- Mail Original ----- De: "pvallet" publicat51@free.fr ?: pd-list@iem.at Envoy?: Lundi 8 Mars 2010 19h43:20 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne
/ Rome / Stockholm / Vienne Objet: Re: [PD] gridflow on windowsPddp is the PureData Documentation Project i'm not using it so i don't know much about it, but you can probably download a package from the net
Greetings, p.
Matteo Sisti Sette a ?crit :
Oh sh##, I see it needs Pd Extented. I was trying it with Pd Vanilla.
Maybe it would be a good idea to mention it in the installation readme and/or home page, or is it obvious?
It seems it works for the moment. However, in the tutorial intro (gf_tutorial_intro.pd) there are a lot of [pddp_open] objects that cannot create.
What is pddp_open? Where can I get it?
thanks m.
-- Matteo Sisti Sette matteosistisette@gmail.com http://www.matteosistisette.com
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