I have some remarks about the PD-extended Istallers for OSX and would
be interested, if those things were discussed here before.
Its basically about
Settings and Startup
If it looks right to me there are 3 ways to determine paths and
libs on OSX and i am not quite sure if i am doing something wrong or
if it just has not been considered.
You can change the settings in the TCL-Interface of PD, but there are
not enough lines, to see all the necessary entries, in the /Library/
Preferences/org.puredata.plist file and vie a.pdrc file.
They do not really interact, i mean if you change something in the
pdrc file it is not written in the org.puredata.plist file, right ?
This might cause confusion to a OSX PD-Beginner right ?
many subfolders, which is good and necessary to keep it structured,
but that way the good-old "right-click"-help does not always work.
And especially for beginners it is so good to be able to just browse
through the examples or reference-files and quickly open the "help-
I still did not really understand if there is a different syntax
for "help-files" or is it just another "lib"-entry ?
How do folk out there manage these things ? Is it good to use
"Aliases" or symbolic links here ??
By the way there are two gcanvas-externals. One in "ggee" and one in
"flatspace"...is that good ?
Ok..so far..have a good time
On 09/02/2007, at 1.47, Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:
Yes, if you add to a .pdrc the changes will not be updated in the
org.puredata.pd.plist. You can either edit the plist file manually
(with the plist editor that ships with Xcodetools or with a text
editor (and needed be the CLI tool called plutil that can convert
between plain text and plist)) or add things to it via the panels in
Pd. For the later see:
By the way there are two gcanvas-externals. One in "ggee" and one
in "flatspace"...is that good ?
I think the quick answer (all i know) is to point here: http://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-dev/2007-01/008293.html