Ben, on the Csound list someone was discussing convolving little windows of each sound together to do it in real time. Not sure about the details, but i can forward you the relevant emails if you're interested.
Whilst your convolution idea here seems really cool, would anyone be interested in a convolve~ external? If I can find a little time and there is enough demand, I might well code one.
At 22:31 1/07/2002 -0800, you wrote:
Chris McCormick - Systems Developer - PerthWeb Pty Ltd Internet Solutions for your business! Level 9/105 St George's Tc - Perth - Western Australia Ph: (08) 9226 1366 Fax: (08) 9226 1375 Visit Perth online! : PGP Key =
While trying to build pd 29 on OSX i get an error that CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h and CoreServices/CoreServices.h could not be found Anyone else experience this? can someone attach the CoreAudio.h file for me or tell me where it should be?
i a pretty sure i got TCL working as the runs but i seem to be either missing CoreAudio.h or have not installed things properly.
any help will be fantastic cheers
Pat Pagano, Director South East Just Intonation Society
On Thursday 04 July 2002 08:40, Krzysztof Czaja wrote:
Yes please, I love the convobros example.As a newbie I have a question.I can't find a way to save the effect into a snd file.All the examples I have are either for reading snd files or for streaming over the net(?).I know I'm probably missing something really simple but I'm stumped.