one thing i've noticed with readsf~ using it in my own live-performance sets is that doing this
[symbol blahblahblah.aif] | [open $1, bang( | [readsf~]
sometimes causes dropouts. but if you go
[symbol blahblahblah.aif]
[t b a]
| ____
[del 50] [open $1(
| __________/
then you remove (all/many/some) of the dropouts. i haven't extensively tested this, but anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that it works.
hope this helps someone
i was going to post about the readsf~ dropout problem today. good timing.
in my case though, i am sending the open message, and then manually banging to start, usually at least 15-20 seconds after opening,
but i still get dropouts! not all the time, not in any pattern that i can recognise, but the sound does drop out sometimes with [readsf~]
i read a thread that suggested making the readsf~ buffer really huge, like [readsf~ 2 1e+08] but even though that stops my dropout problem a little bit, i still get them from time to time.
my latency is also set at 50ms which should be ok, but even setting it at 100 was still giving me audio drops.
Is your hard drive going to sleep? I used to get this on osx when the
HD would sleep. Telling it not to rest fixed the issue. I now
routinely do this when performing live.
On Jul 12, 2008, at 8:54 AM, hard off wrote:
i was going to post about the readsf~ dropout problem today. good
timing.in my case though, i am sending the open message, and then manually
banging to start, usually at least 15-20 seconds after opening,but i still get dropouts! not all the time, not in any pattern that
i can recognise, but the sound does drop out sometimes with [readsf~]i read a thread that suggested making the readsf~ buffer really
huge, like [readsf~ 2 1e+08] but even though that stops my dropout
problem a little bit, i still get them from time to time.my latency is also set at 50ms which should be ok, but even setting
it at 100 was still giving me audio drops.
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
julian! you're a legend!!! that was totally the problem. it totally makes sense too, because when i sent a couple of 'open' messages in a row, i wouldn't get clicks, but if i left it for a while, it would drop out.
now i have zero dropouts. awesome.
That would be a very nice object to have: [nosleep]. It probably
wouldn't be hard on GNU/Linux. Then you could embed in performance
On Jul 12, 2008, at 10:39 PM, hard off wrote:
julian! you're a legend!!! that was totally the problem. it
totally makes sense too, because when i sent a couple of 'open'
messages in a row, i wouldn't get clicks, but if i left it for a
while, it would drop out.now i have zero dropouts. awesome.
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/ listinfo/pd-list
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
On Jul 15, 2008, at 3:08 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
That would be a very nice object to have: [nosleep]. It probably
or probably [meth]?
are you envisioning an object to put the entire machine into "performance" mode (probably tuneable), or just the harddisk or
just the performer?
I think a suite of low-level objects would be very useful, then you
could create your own [performance_mode] abstraction. Things like
[hdparm], [/sys], [/proc], etc.
fgamdr IOhannes
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/ listinfo/pd-list
The arc of history bends towards justice. - Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I think a suite of low-level objects would be very useful, then you could create your own [performance_mode] abstraction. Things like [hdparm], [/sys], [/proc], etc.
doesn't [/sys] and [/proc] conflict with your namespaces? as does [/] already, I mean...
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec
On Jul 15, 2008, at 11:35 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I think a suite of low-level objects would be very useful, then
you could create your own [performance_mode] abstraction. Things
like [hdparm], [/sys], [/proc], etc.doesn't [/sys] and [/proc] conflict with your namespaces? as does
[/] already, I mean...
They are not "my" namespaces. I neither wrote the code, nor figured
out their usage. I just think it is a pretty good system to use.
IOhannes had "/" working in hexloader, but it has other issues.
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec
On Wed, 16 Jul 2008, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
They are not "my" namespaces. I neither wrote the code, nor figured out their usage. I just think it is a pretty good system to use.
Well, given how much Günter is not there anymore and how much you are there talking about said namespaces, I'd say that they are pretty much yours. They could also be Günter's and yours at once, or only contextually yours to the extent of the conversation that we're having. Whatever it is, I know that you didn't code them, but this is not what I want to concentrate on.
IOhannes had "/" working in hexloader, but it has other issues.
You can't get "/" to be unambiguous if it is also a namespace separator and this problem doesn't depend on hexloader or even filesystems. Can the hexloader also be involved in finding helpfiles? [round/]'s helpfile can't be reasonably called "round/-help.pd". But the ambiguïty I want to talk about is that, let's say you have a ~ version of [round/]. Well, [round/~] is also a possible name for a class named [~] in namespace "round". So when you query what's the namespace associated to the classname "round/~", what shall you get, "" or "round" ?
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec
On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 08:29:16PM -0400, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Wed, 16 Jul 2008, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
They are not "my" namespaces. I neither wrote the code, nor figured out their usage. I just think it is a pretty good system to use.
Well, given how much GÃŒnter is not there anymore and how much you are there talking about said namespaces, I'd say that they are pretty much yours. They could also be GÃŒnter's and yours at once, or only contextually yours to the extent of the conversation that we're having. Whatever it is, I know that you didn't code them, but this is not what I want to concentrate on.
Whatever you want to concentrate on, I don't think it's fair to call them Hans' namespaces. There was a lot of discussion on this list and pd-dev about them for a long time, and many developers and users had input into that discussion. I think it's more appropriate to call them 'our' namespaces, meaning the Pd community in general.
Just more noise,
On Jul 18, 2008, at 8:29 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Wed, 16 Jul 2008, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
They are not "my" namespaces. I neither wrote the code, nor
figured out their usage. I just think it is a pretty good system
to use.Well, given how much Günter is not there anymore and how much you
are there talking about said namespaces, I'd say that they are
pretty much yours. They could also be Günter's and yours at once,
or only contextually yours to the extent of the conversation that
we're having. Whatever it is, I know that you didn't code them, but
this is not what I want to concentrate on.IOhannes had "/" working in hexloader, but it has other issues.
You can't get "/" to be unambiguous if it is also a namespace
separator and this problem doesn't depend on hexloader or even
filesystems. Can the hexloader also be involved in finding
helpfiles? [round/]'s helpfile can't be reasonably called "round/- help.pd". But the ambiguïty I want to talk about is that, let's say
you have a ~ version of [round/]. Well, [round/~] is also a
possible name for a class named [~] in namespace "round". So when
you query what's the namespace associated to the classname "round/ ~", what shall you get, "" or "round" ?
If you only use / as a char in the first position and only allow
one / for a separator, like [/] or [math//], then it is doable, and
that covers basically all of the cases that we need it for.
Using ReBirth is like trying to play an 808 with a long stick. - David Zicarelli
Hallo, Hans-Christoph Steiner hat gesagt: // Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I think a suite of low-level objects would be very useful, then you
could create your own [performance_mode] abstraction. Things like
[hdparm], [/sys], [/proc], etc.
Wow, not even the module-heavy Python has something like "hdparm". I don't think, there must be a Pd class for every file in /usr/bin polluting the namespace.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
On Jul 16, 2008, at 4:21 AM, Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, Hans-Christoph Steiner hat gesagt: // Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I think a suite of low-level objects would be very useful, then you could create your own [performance_mode] abstraction. Things like [hdparm], [/sys], [/proc], etc.
Wow, not even the module-heavy Python has something like "hdparm". I don't think, there must be a Pd class for every file in /usr/bin polluting the namespace.
If there was real namespace support like in Python, then "pollution"
would not be an issue.
Frank Barknecht _
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/ listinfo/pd-list
"[T]he greatest purveyor of violence in the world today [is] my own
government." - Martin Luther King, Jr.