On Sunday, December 14, 2003, at 01:43 PM, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
derek holzer wrote:
Hi Pat, shreeswifty wrote:
There is no real workable free Linux video editor IMHO
Have you looked at Jahshaka? It seems like the most "usable" video editor/processor going right now, and is in heavy development still. Worth a try... http://www.jahshaka.com/
Looks like it rocks. They have this interesting write up about apple too ;)
...uh, I don't think there are too many companies that "embrace" any old open source developer that comes along...I mean, when he mentioned wanting developer support, that could be viewed as saying "please help me port this to your platform"...I ported jahshaka to OSX back in the summer (as ports go, it was very easy, which credits jah's programming skills), and I can understand why apple isn't interested: there's really not a lot to it (yet), at least compared to the possibilities available with pd/GEM...plus, it's heavily based on trolltech's Qt, so why would apple want to get involved with that? I really think he has unrealistic expectations...
my two cents, jamie