----- Original Message ----- From: "Guenter Geiger" geiger@epy.co.at To: "[.] matthias tarasiewicz" tarasiewicz@gmx.at Cc: pd-list@iem.mhsg.ac.at Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2000 6:23 PM Subject: several bugs, etc. in pd 0.31 linux
[.] matthias tarasiewicz writes:
i experienced some bugs in pd verision 0.31 unter linux, here is a
- after some time running pd, i couldn't save an opened patch with
pages under "save as" -- pd always told me "open: no such file or
or something like that
is this reproducible ? Did you try to save the patch in the same directory as the original patch, or has it been a new patch ?
i tried the same directory the original patch had been in, but also other directories did not work i just had this problem with the randomslicer patch on http://iem.mhsg.ac.at/~zmoelnig/pd/download/index.html#slicer
- i saved a patch with several pages and some sliders from the ggext
library and after loading that patch it came up with no connections
the objects and no sliders at all
what did they pd console (=terminal window) say. Normally it issues warnings if it can't cerate objects or if connections fail. Has this been the case ... was ggext loaded ?
i didn't look at the console - but the problem was that not only the missing sliders - there were several number boxes and objects missing -i will look at the console when this happens again
- i also had the problem once, that pd overwrote a patch that had
with ident names (i saved the patch under "save as" before -but the
still had the same name) -- after saving all and reopening the patches,
files were ident
if you want to save a "page" ("page" means a pd subwindow which was created with the "page" or "pd" object), you always save the parent patch of the page together with all its subpages .. pages are part of the parent patch. If you want to isolate them from the parent, you have to create a new patch with "new" and copy/paste the pages content.
.. I'm not sure if that solves the problem you had, because I didn't really understand it.
i think the problem was that i clicked on "save" in one of the pages - but why one of the patches had been overwritten is not clear to me...
a. i wanted to have a slider that has a range that could be set per
inlet --
i didn't get that with ggext sliders - some ideas how to do this? b. i had the problem, that the state object from the ggext library did
work properly - sometimes it restored the saved values but most of the
it restored always the same values, that had never been stored before (mostly zeroes)
The state object really has a problem if you use symbols, this is fixed in the upcoming release.
And, as ost mentioned, saved states from "old" patches set all later added numberboxes to zero.
If your problem doesn't fall into these two categories, then I have to know in which reproducible cases state fails. On my side it rather looks like that most of the time state succeeds, and only sometimes fails.
Ah, and yes, if you use more than one state object, you have to give it a name, otherwise it will get confused.
i remember having used symbols in most of the cases, but also number boxes and sliders went to zero i think -- i will try to reproduce this setting and post it...
c. it would be very helpful to have a list of all (or at least the most important) objects and created patches available - with a short
--maybe it would be a great idea to have an archive in the web where
these are listed with links (all on one and not on 5000 different