I run Linux redhat7.3 on my vaio, it took quite some tinkering to get everything to work. but fancy pre-compiled nando (planet ccrma helped alot.), but i ended up with a custom private kernel with several patches. I still cannot gain full functionality from my 2|6 soundcard in any platform with pd -Linux or not. The portaudio asio still only allows matching ins/outs. Alsa allowed me to use my MIdiMan2x2 after more fussing.
OSX on the other hand found everything and I am slowly crossing APPS that were "Only Linux" rather quickly these days PowerPV, PVNation, Cecilia,Amber,PVC,STK,csound, etc..all work in oSX with the same speed pd-GEM on OSX is pretty darn cool too, while pd-Gem linux has always been a little shakey. Not too mention Video Editing There is no real workable free Linux video editor IMHO Cinelerra & Broadcast are a maze. Main Actor is just a damn rip off and a bunch of thieves. OSX comes with iMovie yet i digress
The main thing you want with a machine is what you want with anything really. in my opinion - Full Functionality. Right now that seems to be OS X.
-----Original Message----- From: pd-list-admin@iem.at [mailto:pd-list-admin@iem.at]On Behalf Of CK Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 10:25 AM To: Pall Thayer Cc: Jean Jacques; pd-list@iem.at Subject: Re: [PD] (Facts Please !) a mac or pc with Linux for PD
I read:
Well, if you're going to use Linux, buy a PC. Installing Linux on a Mac these days is a bit redundant seeing as MacOSX is *ix based.
what? you must be using windows then.
and the orginal question:
i do not want to unleash a sterile discussion about mac anc pc ! I just would like to know what king of hardware should i buy to install Linux on a laptop and run PD ?
linux will be easier to get running on a pc, the pc will likely be cheaper for the same cpu power, a lot of programs have intel assembly optimizations but not altivec.
I happily run debian on my powerbook (and don't even ever boot into osx) all the powersaving/sleep stuff works amazingly well (a total mess on my vaio f.i.) just make sure you get an ati based one. Battery life is very acceptable (again probably 3 minutes on my vaio) and of course linux runs a lot faster than osx.
In terms of performance/price what should i buy a mac or pc ?
if performance/price ratio is your top concern get a pc
-- chris@lo-res.org Postmodernism is german romanticism with better http://pilot.fm/ special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via ctheory.com)
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