I came to Pd from SuperCollider. SC is very powerful and can sound
amazing. Its power lies in the fact it is a object orientated
language - if you want 500 oscillators you can just change a
variable, rather than having to patch it by hand. I found I could do
algorithmic stuff very easily as the system lended itself to do this..
What it is not imo, is user friendly, which is why I picked up Pd.
It became a headache when i wanted to use a gui to construct a
sequencer of something....that in itself requires a different mind
set to lay it out. Pd or Max is fairly intuitive in this regard and
thus quicker to knock up new ideas. I guess I lost patience with it
because i would reach a brick wall and not finish ideas which is very
unconstructive. It was more- time head buried in documentation and
not enough results..I felt life was too short!! (sorry). Also not
coming from a programming background i guess didn't help/
I f there was a bridge for SC like the csound one, that would be very
nice. Using Pd for data structure and using some of SCs ugens..
On 15 Oct 2007, at 13:11, bbarros wrote:
Take a look in SuperCollider. I used Max/MSP and CSound before, IMO you can do more with less effort once you learn this programming language (yes, it is a true programming
language) Once you finished your patch it is also easy to modify and change
comparing to max/msp. I like it.http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/ http://www.audiosynth.com/
2007/10/15, Frank Barknecht fbar@footils.org: Hallo, David Schaffer hat gesagt: // David Schaffer wrote:
I'm a stage/audiovisual technician willing to make a move into digital arts. I've been using pd for quite some time know and I was wondering if it would be useful for me to learn Max: according to you guys, which of the two programs seems to be most widely used, most popular, most promising in terms of future devellopements? Is it worth to be good in both or to become "excellent" (whatever that means...) in one of them? Is there another platform out there that would be worth giving a look (outside of the established stuff like pro tools, final cut, photoshop etc...) Thank you for your answers.
I once took a workshop in Max/MSP and it was very boring: I already knew everything except that [osc~] is called [cycle~] in Max.
The nice thing about both Max and Pd is that the programmes themselves are very simple tools. What you *really* learn when you learn one of them are things like algorithms, DSP techniques, composition theory, computer graphics, geometry etc. or more generally: ideas, and these aren't tied to a specific software or language.
I think it's good for a Pd user to also know a bit about Max, but IMO you don't need ot buy a copy of it, instead you should have the documentation pdfs (Max/MSP reference etc.) on your disk and maybe even read them from time to time.
Frank Barknecht _
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