That's a fair enough comment, I could do quite a lot more to sweeten the sound, too (it's just a simple sine oscillator atm, as I was concentrating on the score building process.
The idea is one of the central things in a lot of these styles, sometimes it's placed above the actual realization of the piece. Although it is nice to craft as much of your sound as possible.
Subject: RE: [PD] Pd "monosymphonia" From: To: Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 00:05:17 +0200
On Tue, 2011-06-28 at 22:01 +0100, Andrew Faraday wrote:
That was one thing I wasn't sure about, although it does help with the kind of 'passive listening' part, something like Cage or Glass, where there is a huge amount of repetition and the value of the piece is discovered over time, almost as a meditative process. It's not for everyone, but it does lend itself to computer music
from Cage i don't know about repetative music/scores, but a.o. terry riley and steve reich did a lot with repetition and shifting patterns. i still love to listen to some of these old pieces like 'rainbows in curved air' (riley) or 'drumming' (reich). there's also composition nr.7 (1961) of La Monte Young: to play B&F# for a "long time". in certain circumstances with a number of participating musicians/voices this can be a wunderfull experience.
maybe you know all this already.
so to cut it short: for me your present soundscape is not yet interesting enough, where the patch cq the concept can be a good starting point.
c'est tout.