Hi dear List
I have a question regarding my Wiimote-OSC experiments.
The wiimote data gets into PD via OSC, either through OSculator or
through a linuxbox running the wiimote external.
So i have problems computing really really fast movements from the
wiimote and i would like to ask if somebody knows about the speed of
messages, be it in OSC, PD or Osculator
data ? I have the impression i need to slow down the data (with
speedlim, pipe or resample) to be able to process it
properly - any experience with that or recommendations ?
What would you consider the bottleneck ?
Could it be an advantage to transform incoming OSC-messages into a
signal ? instead of dealing with floats ?
The idea behind it is to combine x-y IR Data from the wii with the
accelleration data (Mapping accelleration to velocity, but catch the
note from the IR-Position)
Did anybody find a good solution for that ?
Luigi Rensinghoff luigi.rensinghoff@freenet.de skype:gigischinke ichat:gigicarlo