Elliot Anderson writes:
I have a sonar sensor that sends data via the serial port and would like to write an object to read the serial port when banged. Where is the code for the Windows serial object? OR does anyone have a suggestion for converting serial to midi, this would be the best solution.
Thanks, Elliot Anderson
Solution 1) I have an object which reads mouse events and events from MicroTouch controllers through the serial port ---> only for linux. I guess it's something similar as Wini's object for jMax.
Solution 2) Miller's code for the serial object does output only, currently via the Tcl/Tk interface.
Something similar could be written for serial input on Windows.
In pd's src directory: Look at the "serial_.." routines in x_misc.c and at the com1_open, com1_send in u_main.tk. (Or contact me directly for further informations)