hi, writesf~ seems to write a file, but the windows mediaplayer cannot open the produced file, although other windows-programs can. but there is another problem, if you have 8 channels of data, the ram will soon be out of memory... (?). maybe zexys sfrecord helps. marius.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Olaf Matthes" olaf.matthes@gmx.de To: "pd-list" pd-list@iem.kug.ac.at Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 9:35 AM Subject: Re: [PD] Multiple audiofile writes from pd...
Frank Barknecht schrieb:
"In MS windows, you can now use "readsf~/writesf~" for spooling sounds to and from disk."
I'm on linux, so I don't know, if that's true, but I suppose so ;)
Yes, it is. It has been included since 0.35 test17.