I did a test without success.. When I try to change dimension of my abstraction, pd pops a message 'Discard changes to "abstraction.pd"?'. I'm realizing it's impossible to do what I want in pd vanilla.
I can't find coords in the parent patch.. Only in the abstraction.. If I need to use multiple abstraction I can't see solution.. Well I go ahead without this feature.. :/
Thanks.. Esteban
Em seg, 15 de mai de 2017 às 18:59, Esteban Viveros emviveros@gmail.com escreveu:
Liam... Thanks a lot for hacks..!!! I will try to implement it this week and post results here.
Em seg, 15 de mai de 2017 04:07, Liam Goodacre liamg_uw@hotmail.com escreveu:
L2Ork and Purr Data let you retrieve the GOP info with the [canvasinfo] object. Unfortunately, I don't think that there is any conventional way of doing in in Vanilla, but I can think of a hack. You could load the .pd text file itself into a [text] object and then search for the "coords" line, which will be the last one before all of the connections. You could use this to find the GOP area that the patch loaded with (although not any changes that have been made to it since then).
It would be more difficult, though not impossible, to implement this if you are dealing with a sub-patch within a parent-patch. You would also need to use an external if you wanted to detect the filename within the patch, for automatically loading the .pd file.
*From:* Esteban Viveros emviveros@gmail.com *Sent:* 13 May 2017 16:07 *To:* Liam Goodacre; PD list
*Subject:* Re: [PD] How to map GOP size dynamically Thanks for response...
Liam... I can change dimension of GOP size directly by one number in the proportion I wish. But, in edit mode, I can resize a GOP subtpatch in main patch with mouse. I want to maintain the proportion of rectangle when I slide the right side of my GOP abstraction. About donecanvasdialog message I found:
[donecanvasdialog <x-units> <y-units> <gop> <x-from> <y-from> <x-to> <y-to> <x-size> <y-size> <x-margin> <y-margin>(
For that I'm wanting to receive a message with value of <x-size> of donecanvasdialog message to scale out <y-to> coordinate.
Exist some message to send to $0-gopSubpatch which retrieve me a donecanvasdialog or coords messages arguments..?
Em sáb, 13 de mai de 2017 às 01:36, Liam Goodacre liamg_uw@hotmail.com escreveu:
You can do this with a "coords" or "donecanvasdialog" message sent to the canvas (ie. using [iemguts/sendcanvas] or [send pd-canvasname.pd]).
I don't remember the arguments exactly, but you can figure them out by opening a .pd file with GOP enabled and then searching for the "coords" line at the bottom. There are 5 or 6 arguments which correspond to GOP dimensions.
*From:* Pd-list pd-list-bounces@lists.iem.at on behalf of Brad Garton garton@columbia.edu *Sent:* 13 May 2017 03:47 *To:* Esteban Viveros *Cc:* pd-list@mail.iem.at *Subject:* Re: [PD] How to map GOP size dynamically
Oh I wish we could...
(and yes I know it's not *that* GOP)
On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 7:50 PM, Esteban Viveros emviveros@gmail.com wrote:
In vanilla can I map the GOP size? I want to resize GOP proportionally.
Thanks any advance!
Cheers Esteban Viveros --
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