Hi Andy~
Did I miss this post? I'd like to take a gander at your useage of wavecycles too!
On 12/28/06, Patco megalegoland@yahoo.fr wrote:
padawan12@obiwannabe.co.uk a écrit :
Couldn't quite follow what you were doing there Pat.
I forgot to put the comments in my first commit, so it make the patch hard to understand with all mistakes there was inside...
Here's my take on a way of fading between two waveshapes stored in tables that might help.
What I am looking for is a little bit more complicated because it's about fading between more than two waveshapes, but the principle is the same.
It isn't very well commented but in a few words:
Neat composition! I finally enjoy my mistakes, which has driven my hears to listen to this piece.
there's two tables, the crossfader exchanges back and forth between the two, each one is written randomly with a wavecycle (a random set of values times a curve to smooth the ends) when it has zero volume
- so we get a continuously morphing pad sound.
This is a way very interesting to study, for generating waves, very astonishing. I was planning to do something similar in some uncertain future, but filling tables with voice formants. PC.
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