Good point IOhannes. I think the problem was that I just took too small of a sample to see the error return. The culprit seems to be /muse/config see below. Maybe there is a way to filter out those messages?
osc: /muse/elements/delta_session_score 0.766667 0.642276 0.401361 0.307692 osc: /muse/elements/gamma_session_score 0.309524 0.903226 0.606061 1 osc: /muse/elements/theta_session_score 0.784 0.729167 0.447154 0.493333 osc: /muse/eeg 835.65 827.425 830.715 806.04 osc: /muse/eeg 842.23 825.78 830.715 820.845 osc: /muse/acc 164.063 1007.81 93.7501 osc: /muse/acc 164.063 1007.81 93.7501 osc: /muse/acc 160.156 1007.81 89.8439 osc: /muse/acc 156.25 1011.72 89.8439 osc: /muse/drlref 1.66129e+06 1.64839e+06 osc: /muse/eeg 847.165 829.07 830.715 827.425 osc: /muse/eeg/quantization 1 1 1 1 osc: /muse/eeg 835.65 825.78 829.07 810.975 osc: /muse/eeg 829.07 827.425 830.715 802.75 osc: /muse/eeg 838.94 825.78 832.36 810.975 osc: /muse/eeg 847.165 822.49 830.715 824.135 osc: /muse/eeg 842.23 825.78 830.715 819.2 osc: /muse/eeg 835.65 830.715 827.425 809.33 osc: /muse/eeg 834.005 830.715 827.425 809.33 osc: /muse/eeg 848.81 830.715 825.78 822.49 osc: /muse/eeg 848.81 829.07 822.49 820.845 osc: /muse/eeg 835.65 827.425 820.845 804.395 osc: /muse/eeg 829.07 829.07 820.845 797.815 osc: /muse/eeg 842.23 829.07 822.49 806.04 osc: /muse/eeg 855.39 827.425 822.49 812.62 osc: /muse/eeg 848.81 827.425 820.845 799.46 osc: /muse/eeg 837.295 829.07 820.845 787.946 osc: /muse/acc 156.25 1003.91 89.8439 osc: /muse/acc 156.25 1007.81 89.8439 unpackOSC: PrintTypeTaggedArgs: Type tag said this arg is a string but it's not!
osc: /muse/config unpackOSC: PrintTypeTaggedArgs: Type tag said this arg is a string but it's not!
osc: /muse/version osc: /muse/acc 152.344 1007.81 85.9376 osc: /muse/acc 152.344 1003.91 85.9376 osc: /muse/eeg 845.52 824.135 815.91 791.236 osc: /muse/eeg/quantization 1 1 1 1 osc: /muse/eeg 863.615 827.425 819.2 809.33 osc: /muse/eeg 855.39 825.78 820.845 807.685 osc: /muse/eeg 838.94 822.49 819.2 799.46 osc: /muse/elements/alpha_relative 0.177546 0.12946 0.114521 0.232 osc: /muse/elements/beta_relative 0.0600538 0.0386864 0.0457573 0.0782935 osc: /muse/elements/delta_relative 0.453248 0.578294 0.586894 0.414227 osc: /muse/elements/gamma_relative 0.0217298 0.0388665 0.0286344 0.0419682 osc: /muse/elements/theta_relative 0.287422 0.214693 0.224193 0.233512 osc: /muse/elements/horseshoe 1 1 1 1 osc: /muse/elements/is_good 1 1 1 1 osc: /muse/elements/blink 0 osc: /muse/elements/jaw_clench 0 osc: /muse/elements/touching_forehead 1 osc: /muse/elements/experimental/concentration 0.147051 osc: /muse/elements/experimental/mellow 0.137731 osc: /muse/elements/raw_fft0 -2.29522 3.53863 7.6011 5.71286 5.19957 5.04314 -0.693313 2.07776 1.84729 -0.318381 1.32621 -2.89183 -6.80454 -5.74272 -2.93734 -3.79641 -6.68096 -7.43996 -9.52648 -15.1051 -11.3123 -8.08725 -10.8064 -7.544 -6.01414 -6.09573 -9.27516 -7.02896 -7.07968 -8.36303 -14.6168 -13.1398 -10.4762 -14.2189 -12.1624 -12.7639 -17.1324 -12.3239 -10.7617 -11.264 -12.463 -13.7571 -11.5857 -10.4196 -9.35718 -12.6755 -21.5771 -17.2888 -15.92 -14.1936 -15.596 -14.9906 -16.2867 -15.274 -14.1263 -14.1503 -19.8234 2.92432 11.1733 5.02915 -15.3247 -22.3549 -22.1495 -15.8201 -18.7961 -20.7644 -21.192 -28.3357 -30.9057 -33.6994 -36.6582 -27.6707 -23.5442 -18.6796 -22.3644 -19.9334 -18.8797 -19.6862 -20.2988 -23.8512 -20.9661 -18.8991 -16.8656 -18.4067 -17.0681 -19.3005 -13.2482 -14.6418 -18.6987 -14.1383 -15.4956 -21.4893 -17.4983 -15.5912 -18.6761 -20.7038 -20.6393 -17.8829 -20.1266 -15.1384 -17.4064 -18.775 -18.3055 -14.4228 -19.3034 -19.9604 -15.1652 -18.6834 -21.4074 -19.1601 -18.9704 -18.8561 -23.7093 -21.815 -18.2955 -18.6096 -12.696 -15.6421 -20.1278 -31.2548 -25.475 -25.6577 -28.4761 -24.4286 -28.416 -25.0714 -22.7614 -26.5709 -37.9197 osc: /muse/elements/raw_fft1 0.180881 4.79018 5.79789 5.52174 -0.300343 1.8457 -2.10462 -2.17735 -6.10342 -6.68913 -6.2831 -8.82601 -6.98603 -9.66565 -7.25431 -8.51789 -19.9566 -14.7564 -13.6434 -18.1298 -18.292 -18.9003 -17.1207 -19.5409 -19.4386 -11.3815 -12.8459 -25.2102 -20.4167 -12.634 -12.001 -11.7905 -12.2821 -19.1387 -17.2945 -12.3107 -15.1715 -11.0409 -8.67741 -13.8211 -17.7815 -14.5653 -15.3948 -11.9961 -11.7747 -13.9662 -16.4043 -19.1215 -20.6 -17.0539 -16.5136 -22.1037 -15.1441 -11.9369 -18.5579 -20.0613 -21.0214 -22.6395 -18.0139 -18.3411 -19.4978 -19.9601 -22.2372 -20.6362 -22.1193 -17.87 -23.2287 -29.6138 -26.6515 -34.6818 -36.1726 -36.7098 -29.371 -22.323 -22.3017 -21.4085 -20.4355 -25.5197 -23.4577 -17.0915 -18.2502 -21.0078 -16.1707 -18.0308 -23.9072 -23.5864 -21.423 -20.7558 -22.7192 -17.9857 -17.0455 -18.6737 -22.1565 -25.5469 -23.9015 -21.4224 -22.7272 -24.1521 -18.1969 -14.0231 -16.7515 -28.2378 -25.9122 -27.1385 -21.1597 -17.5675 -21.9084 -20.8738 -18.2916 -20.4689 -26.6668 -20.4746 -21.612 -25.8234 -23.0512 -23.7571 -30.6317 -28.1155 -26.8458 -27.3343 -27.1195 -28.0319 -27.9963 -28.8068 -28.6513 -25.9067 -31.6374 -30.0652 -29.5429 osc: /muse/elements/raw_fft2 1.63038 5.94086 2.58284 5.15739 3.93073 -1.20034 -4.44315 -4.59566 -4.40782 -3.91656 -8.90753 -9.73349 -7.19971 -11.7507 -10.5417 -12.2408 -14.3427 -17.8018 -20.1341 -17.5987 -13.9968 -14.5547 -12.2438 -13.577 -15.8474 -13.3974 -14.607 -14.4137 -18.1627 -21.4432 -25.8104 -23.7637 -18.9456 -13.9567 -13.7661 -17.9761 -18.353 -14.2255 -14.0431 -20.1929 -20.0991 -15.3502 -13.8258 -19.9812 -18.8619 -15.6139 -17.5009 -20.579 -24.9527 -19.5913 -17.8261 -21.46 -19.1577 -17.6555 -17.2577 -18.231 -18.0296 -18.6448 -22.4887 -16.171 -17.1382 -24.9078 -22.0568 -20.1449 -19.3605 -17.0153 -25.6484 -27.4101 -29.5218 -29.3348 -30.854 -30.7576 -26.9318 -24.2612 -18.719 -19.2947 -21.6174 -21.5461 -22.7324 -27.1864 -25.4348 -23.5535 -19.7145 -23.8853 -26.8816 -26.0233 -22.6176 -20.2925 -19.5984 -20.1004 -18.9518 -19.0182 -19.272 -22.4722 -21.8671 -28.5482 -25.8413 -29.9711 -30.8721 -25.2954 -21.7162 -20.4244 -23.5423 -24.1794 -20.6693 -17.6068 -23.4417 -23.0656 -26.8412 -23.8755 -23.6516 -31.2238 -24.6735 -26.078 -24.8514 -23.2346 -24.4164 -24.0342 -21.4066 -27.764 -28.96 -25.3734 -25.9207 -27.4638 -26.7003 -25.4818 -31.8309 -35.7493 -35.1006
On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 10:44 AM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
On 01/13/2016 12:25 AM, Richie Cyngler wrote:
Thanks for all the advice. Yes I agree David the Muse software is very buggy.
@IOhannes here is the ouput of your patch (there's a lot more this is a small excerpt):
Maybe I'm missing something but it seems odd to me that the "raw" data is almost exactly the same each time.
no, that's fine. there are mostly numbers, and OSC needs only four bytes for a long number. the "same"ness you see is mostly the boilerplate code for the OSC-path.
anyhow, i don't see any error messages in this, am i missing something? (what i actually wanted was one of the messages that triggered that "unpackOSC: PrintTypeTaggedArgs: Type tag said this arg is a string but it's not!" error)
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