Good point IOhannes. I think the problem was that I just took too small of a sample to see the error return. The culprit seems to be /muse/config see below. Maybe there is a way to filter out those messages?

osc: /muse/elements/delta_session_score 0.766667 0.642276 0.401361 0.307692
osc: /muse/elements/gamma_session_score 0.309524 0.903226 0.606061 1
osc: /muse/elements/theta_session_score 0.784 0.729167 0.447154 0.493333
osc: /muse/eeg 835.65 827.425 830.715 806.04
osc: /muse/eeg 842.23 825.78 830.715 820.845
osc: /muse/acc 164.063 1007.81 93.7501
osc: /muse/acc 164.063 1007.81 93.7501
osc: /muse/acc 160.156 1007.81 89.8439
osc: /muse/acc 156.25 1011.72 89.8439
osc: /muse/drlref 1.66129e+06 1.64839e+06
osc: /muse/eeg 847.165 829.07 830.715 827.425
osc: /muse/eeg/quantization 1 1 1 1
osc: /muse/eeg 835.65 825.78 829.07 810.975
osc: /muse/eeg 829.07 827.425 830.715 802.75
osc: /muse/eeg 838.94 825.78 832.36 810.975
osc: /muse/eeg 847.165 822.49 830.715 824.135
osc: /muse/eeg 842.23 825.78 830.715 819.2
osc: /muse/eeg 835.65 830.715 827.425 809.33
osc: /muse/eeg 834.005 830.715 827.425 809.33
osc: /muse/eeg 848.81 830.715 825.78 822.49
osc: /muse/eeg 848.81 829.07 822.49 820.845
osc: /muse/eeg 835.65 827.425 820.845 804.395
osc: /muse/eeg 829.07 829.07 820.845 797.815
osc: /muse/eeg 842.23 829.07 822.49 806.04
osc: /muse/eeg 855.39 827.425 822.49 812.62
osc: /muse/eeg 848.81 827.425 820.845 799.46
osc: /muse/eeg 837.295 829.07 820.845 787.946
osc: /muse/acc 156.25 1003.91 89.8439
osc: /muse/acc 156.25 1007.81 89.8439
unpackOSC: PrintTypeTaggedArgs: Type tag said this arg is a string but it's not!

osc: /muse/config
unpackOSC: PrintTypeTaggedArgs: Type tag said this arg is a string but it's not!

osc: /muse/version
osc: /muse/acc 152.344 1007.81 85.9376
osc: /muse/acc 152.344 1003.91 85.9376
osc: /muse/eeg 845.52 824.135 815.91 791.236
osc: /muse/eeg/quantization 1 1 1 1
osc: /muse/eeg 863.615 827.425 819.2 809.33
osc: /muse/eeg 855.39 825.78 820.845 807.685
osc: /muse/eeg 838.94 822.49 819.2 799.46
osc: /muse/elements/alpha_relative 0.177546 0.12946 0.114521 0.232
osc: /muse/elements/beta_relative 0.0600538 0.0386864 0.0457573 0.0782935
osc: /muse/elements/delta_relative 0.453248 0.578294 0.586894 0.414227
osc: /muse/elements/gamma_relative 0.0217298 0.0388665 0.0286344 0.0419682
osc: /muse/elements/theta_relative 0.287422 0.214693 0.224193 0.233512
osc: /muse/elements/horseshoe 1 1 1 1
osc: /muse/elements/is_good 1 1 1 1
osc: /muse/elements/blink 0
osc: /muse/elements/jaw_clench 0
osc: /muse/elements/touching_forehead 1
osc: /muse/elements/experimental/concentration 0.147051
osc: /muse/elements/experimental/mellow 0.137731
osc: /muse/elements/raw_fft0 -2.29522 3.53863 7.6011 5.71286 5.19957 5.04314 -0.693313 2.07776 1.84729 -0.318381 1.32621 -2.89183 -6.80454 -5.74272 -2.93734 -3.79641 -6.68096 -7.43996 -9.52648 -15.1051 -11.3123 -8.08725 -10.8064 -7.544 -6.01414 -6.09573 -9.27516 -7.02896 -7.07968 -8.36303 -14.6168 -13.1398 -10.4762 -14.2189 -12.1624 -12.7639 -17.1324 -12.3239 -10.7617 -11.264 -12.463 -13.7571 -11.5857 -10.4196 -9.35718 -12.6755 -21.5771 -17.2888 -15.92 -14.1936 -15.596 -14.9906 -16.2867 -15.274 -14.1263 -14.1503 -19.8234 2.92432 11.1733 5.02915 -15.3247 -22.3549 -22.1495 -15.8201 -18.7961 -20.7644 -21.192 -28.3357 -30.9057 -33.6994 -36.6582 -27.6707 -23.5442 -18.6796 -22.3644 -19.9334 -18.8797 -19.6862 -20.2988 -23.8512 -20.9661 -18.8991 -16.8656 -18.4067 -17.0681 -19.3005 -13.2482 -14.6418 -18.6987 -14.1383 -15.4956 -21.4893 -17.4983 -15.5912 -18.6761 -20.7038 -20.6393 -17.8829 -20.1266 -15.1384 -17.4064 -18.775 -18.3055 -14.4228 -19.3034 -19.9604 -15.1652 -18.6834 -21.4074 -19.1601 -18.9704 -18.8561 -23.7093 -21.815 -18.2955 -18.6096 -12.696 -15.6421 -20.1278 -31.2548 -25.475 -25.6577 -28.4761 -24.4286 -28.416 -25.0714 -22.7614 -26.5709 -37.9197
osc: /muse/elements/raw_fft1 0.180881 4.79018 5.79789 5.52174 -0.300343 1.8457 -2.10462 -2.17735 -6.10342 -6.68913 -6.2831 -8.82601 -6.98603 -9.66565 -7.25431 -8.51789 -19.9566 -14.7564 -13.6434 -18.1298 -18.292 -18.9003 -17.1207 -19.5409 -19.4386 -11.3815 -12.8459 -25.2102 -20.4167 -12.634 -12.001 -11.7905 -12.2821 -19.1387 -17.2945 -12.3107 -15.1715 -11.0409 -8.67741 -13.8211 -17.7815 -14.5653 -15.3948 -11.9961 -11.7747 -13.9662 -16.4043 -19.1215 -20.6 -17.0539 -16.5136 -22.1037 -15.1441 -11.9369 -18.5579 -20.0613 -21.0214 -22.6395 -18.0139 -18.3411 -19.4978 -19.9601 -22.2372 -20.6362 -22.1193 -17.87 -23.2287 -29.6138 -26.6515 -34.6818 -36.1726 -36.7098 -29.371 -22.323 -22.3017 -21.4085 -20.4355 -25.5197 -23.4577 -17.0915 -18.2502 -21.0078 -16.1707 -18.0308 -23.9072 -23.5864 -21.423 -20.7558 -22.7192 -17.9857 -17.0455 -18.6737 -22.1565 -25.5469 -23.9015 -21.4224 -22.7272 -24.1521 -18.1969 -14.0231 -16.7515 -28.2378 -25.9122 -27.1385 -21.1597 -17.5675 -21.9084 -20.8738 -18.2916 -20.4689 -26.6668 -20.4746 -21.612 -25.8234 -23.0512 -23.7571 -30.6317 -28.1155 -26.8458 -27.3343 -27.1195 -28.0319 -27.9963 -28.8068 -28.6513 -25.9067 -31.6374 -30.0652 -29.5429
osc: /muse/elements/raw_fft2 1.63038 5.94086 2.58284 5.15739 3.93073 -1.20034 -4.44315 -4.59566 -4.40782 -3.91656 -8.90753 -9.73349 -7.19971 -11.7507 -10.5417 -12.2408 -14.3427 -17.8018 -20.1341 -17.5987 -13.9968 -14.5547 -12.2438 -13.577 -15.8474 -13.3974 -14.607 -14.4137 -18.1627 -21.4432 -25.8104 -23.7637 -18.9456 -13.9567 -13.7661 -17.9761 -18.353 -14.2255 -14.0431 -20.1929 -20.0991 -15.3502 -13.8258 -19.9812 -18.8619 -15.6139 -17.5009 -20.579 -24.9527 -19.5913 -17.8261 -21.46 -19.1577 -17.6555 -17.2577 -18.231 -18.0296 -18.6448 -22.4887 -16.171 -17.1382 -24.9078 -22.0568 -20.1449 -19.3605 -17.0153 -25.6484 -27.4101 -29.5218 -29.3348 -30.854 -30.7576 -26.9318 -24.2612 -18.719 -19.2947 -21.6174 -21.5461 -22.7324 -27.1864 -25.4348 -23.5535 -19.7145 -23.8853 -26.8816 -26.0233 -22.6176 -20.2925 -19.5984 -20.1004 -18.9518 -19.0182 -19.272 -22.4722 -21.8671 -28.5482 -25.8413 -29.9711 -30.8721 -25.2954 -21.7162 -20.4244 -23.5423 -24.1794 -20.6693 -17.6068 -23.4417 -23.0656 -26.8412 -23.8755 -23.6516 -31.2238 -24.6735 -26.078 -24.8514 -23.2346 -24.4164 -24.0342 -21.4066 -27.764 -28.96 -25.3734 -25.9207 -27.4638 -26.7003 -25.4818 -31.8309 -35.7493 -35.1006

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 10:44 AM, IOhannes m zmölnig <> wrote:
On 01/13/2016 12:25 AM, Richie Cyngler wrote:
> Thanks for all the advice. Yes I agree David the Muse software is very
> buggy.
> @IOhannes here is the ouput of your patch (there's a lot more this is a
> small excerpt):
> Maybe I'm missing something but it seems odd to me that the "raw" data is
> almost exactly the same each time.

no, that's fine. there are mostly numbers, and OSC needs only four bytes
for a long number.
the "same"ness you see is mostly the boilerplate code for the OSC-path.

anyhow, i don't see any error messages in this, am i missing something?
(what i actually wanted was one of the messages that triggered that
"unpackOSC: PrintTypeTaggedArgs: Type tag said this arg is a string but
it's not!" error)


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