Thanks for that,
but really what i meant is to have the array in a GUI window. I made a patch for a demonstration where the important bit is that the person modifies the array with the mouse while other parameters are displayed in the Gripd GUI window. At the moment I have to opento windows, the gripd one and the pd window where the array is. I would like to open just the gripd window and have the array there, embedded somehow.
any suggestion?
thanks sandra
From: To: sandra pauletto CC: Subject: Re: [PD] PD arrays in Gripd windows Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 13:01:54 +0200
Selon sandra pauletto
does anybody know if and how i can put a PD array inside a Gripd window?
Or is there any other way to have the array graph inside a GUI window?
... using the "table" object instead of "array", but I don't know if this is what you are looking for (though I use it as a patch generic user-interface for drawing 2D graphics like enveloppes, wavetables, etc)
(but sorry it is not Gripd-related)
The differences between "table" and "array" are the following (AFAIK) :
- array is directly put in any patch, whereas table is an unconnected
object whose data appears in a popup window when you click on it (like a subpatch)
- table parameters can be initialized directly ("table my_table 88204" for
example) whereas with "array" you have to do "mouse>2nd_button" to launch the popup array parameters editor
- (at least on my PC) table is easier to manipulate when editing the patch
(especially for big tables/arrays)
(A question for everyone : are there other differencies ?)
I apologized if you were looking for something else ...
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