Dear list-brain,I wanted to share a little predicament I've encountered, and ask for your input and advice. The issue has to do with working across several platforms. Over the past year I have launched and supervised a little workgroup in the new Program for Experimental Music we are running in Jerusalem. We wanted to get our ears and heads around ambisonics and experiment a little. The group consists of several musicians, mostly MAX users, working on different systems (OSXs, me on Windows - none of us is an experienced Linux user). Our aim was to be able to work collectively but also each develop personal parts of the research. Since our department computer runs on Ubuntu, and since my primary environment (and investment) is in PD, I opted for running our project in PD-extended. Our main library is the iem_ambi, but other iem stuff and additional extended libs prefigure considerably.
So far this has been slightly frustrating, as we cannot find a combination of systems and PD distributions to allow all of us to work and exchange our patches freely. And it's getting harder to retort to the skeptic maxers...Apologies if this has been covered widely before, but issue has become more pertinent now that PD-extended has been discontinued.
Wondering what is your suggested approach for such collaborative projects?
Grateful for all of youse existence in this world,Eran