I have a Pd patch with 3 separate signals and I want to sequentially weave
the signals together so instead of having three separate signals I create 1
large signal that is created by weaving 3 signals together.
Example: (note: the commas are just used as separators and I used letters,
numbers, and symbols to help differentiate the signals)
*signal_1 array* is *A,B,C,D,E*
*signal_2 array * is *1,2,3,4,5*
*signal_3 array * is *@,#,%,&,(*
The completed weaved signal to playback would look like this
I've attached an image along with the Pd file that I hope helps explains
I've placed each signal into their own separate array in Pd but I'm not
sure how to sequentially "weave" the signals together. Any ideas?