Im currently working with a project developing tactile feedback for
stimulation of disabled children.
Im getting quite far in using a rough surface, a contact microphone and
buttshaker. My signal path is something like
mic->bandpass->filering->amplitude control of an
i wish to get the sound a bit more interesting, so i would like to add an
echoeffect something like:
-Starts when there has been no sound (amplitude=0 after filtering) for 0,8
-Playbacks the last 1,6 seconds of sound (then there will be 0,8 seconds of
noise and 0,8 seconds of silence) with 60% amplitude
-Repeat the echo with decreasing amplitude (i.e 45, 30 and 0%)
I believe i should use delay lines but i have a hard time controlling them
the way i want.
Some help would be really appreciated by me and the children