I would like to use a number box, or a similar control, to control the
number of playback. For example, I would like to increase the number of
times that a sample is being played, with separate control over the sampled
sound, such as to produce a crowd of applause with a single sampled clapping
I've thought about objects such as route~, sel~, send & receive, qlist,
using sub-patches or abstractions, but I still can't quite figure out the
signal flow and a nice way to create a patch that reaches my objective. I
understand that I want some control over the pitch, "playback speed" or
chunk size, but I'm quite lost as to how I can lay down the foundation
(elements) of the patch and a way to control this type of multi-voice
I also have a feeling someone must have done it already... but I can't seem
to find it! Any help is much appreciated.