Hi list
I'm trying to understand how tables/arrays work with animations. As far as I
can see, I can place a set of coordinates in text file and then use an array
to apply this to elements in a scene. I have been looking at various
examples, notably [splinepath], which uses [line] to govern the length and
speed of the movement. However, I'm struggling to understand the exact
relationship between the co-ordinates written in the text file and what
actually happens to an image when rendered. Sometimes I change the numbers
and the animation stays the same, other times it appears erratic.
I'm trying to trigger animations so that they float and rotate into place.
If anyone has any ideas on the best way to approach this, or can direct me
to some useful help files, I would really appreciate it. I was looking at a
pdf that was packaged with PD-extended called 'GemPrimer'. The documentation
was clear and insightful for someone of my level (beginner!) and hoping
there might more files like this one...
Mac OSX Intel Core Duo 10.4.11. PD-Extended 0.40.3.